Doubts on some of the New Script Commands
Posted: 08.02.2003, 00:32
I was checking the Selden's page "Celestia Notes", and exactly the paragraph "Script Commands", that I find very clear and upgraded with respect to the one in Celestia Home page.
I have only some doubts about the following new commands:
(sorry, all the round braces must be considered as square braces)
1- in the GOTO vector, I know that the ( 0 1 0 ) is for equatorial position, the ( 1 0 0 ) is for polar position, but what is the ( 0 0 1 ) result?
2- what is the effect in GOTOLOC of the commands xrot - yrot - zrot?
3- the PRELOADTEX makes what I'm supposing, i.e. the texture preloading? If yes, this means that instead of waiting many seconds for big texture loading, this can be done previously, or while performing other commands? This should be very nice.
4- the LOOKBACK command is what appears, i.e. moves the vision target of 180 deg?
5- the ROTATE axis vectors are the same ones of the SETORIENTATION command? I.e., just for an example, ( 90 1 0 0 ) means the same "rotate 90 deg transversally along X axis"?
6- I tried to give the command SETFAINTESTAUTOMAG85DEG, but the answer was "this command doesn't exist". Is it part of a future improvement, perhaps in Celestia 1.2.6?
7- for SETPOSITION command, what are doing the base and offset vectors, and how are these? Like GOTO or like SETORIENTATION, or something else?
8- what is the effect of the LOCK command?
9- and of the CHASE command?
As someone knows I'm trying to prepare astronomy teaching .cel files for our Astronomy Museum Lectures for the students, so the understanding of these commands is very important for us.
Many many thanks to whom will be so kind to solve my doubts.
157 Frasso Sabino Observatory
I have only some doubts about the following new commands:
(sorry, all the round braces must be considered as square braces)
1- in the GOTO vector, I know that the ( 0 1 0 ) is for equatorial position, the ( 1 0 0 ) is for polar position, but what is the ( 0 0 1 ) result?
2- what is the effect in GOTOLOC of the commands xrot - yrot - zrot?
3- the PRELOADTEX makes what I'm supposing, i.e. the texture preloading? If yes, this means that instead of waiting many seconds for big texture loading, this can be done previously, or while performing other commands? This should be very nice.
4- the LOOKBACK command is what appears, i.e. moves the vision target of 180 deg?
5- the ROTATE axis vectors are the same ones of the SETORIENTATION command? I.e., just for an example, ( 90 1 0 0 ) means the same "rotate 90 deg transversally along X axis"?
6- I tried to give the command SETFAINTESTAUTOMAG85DEG, but the answer was "this command doesn't exist". Is it part of a future improvement, perhaps in Celestia 1.2.6?
7- for SETPOSITION command, what are doing the base and offset vectors, and how are these? Like GOTO or like SETORIENTATION, or something else?
8- what is the effect of the LOCK command?
9- and of the CHASE command?
As someone knows I'm trying to prepare astronomy teaching .cel files for our Astronomy Museum Lectures for the students, so the understanding of these commands is very important for us.
Many many thanks to whom will be so kind to solve my doubts.
157 Frasso Sabino Observatory