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Beware the trolls

Posted: 21.12.2012, 11:02
by jogad

At this time olyv is rotting my topic "easy navigation..." in the "add-on releases" section.

- He began by introducing a debate whether Celestia becomes a game. This is a sensitive issue that has not failed to produce interventions that had no connection with the subject.

- He is now pretending to ask questions about the addon by posting dishonest images that suggest problems where there is nothing wrong.
    - The first picture was clearly a montage.
    I pointed out to him hoping he would stop there.
    Big mistake :(

    - His response was a model of dishonesty! 8O
    Although the image is not a montage, it obviously has nothing to do with a addon problem.
    He did not even bother to turn off the spaceships name display!
Since I do not want my subject becomes a place of debate, I will not answer any of his posts.

:idea: It is perfectly clear that olyv is an already well known troll.

Several indications suggest that this is the same person who has already been banned twice and has always come back.
- French locale of his computer
- Ola, that he explains as "long or good life" which is curiously similar to the "long live and prosper !" of J.T.K.
- But mostly the same style and plethora of messages.

It is useless to ban olyv. He always comes back.
Maybe as he knows he is unmasked, he will reduce his activity.

Please, do not feed this troll anymore!

Re: Beware the trolls

Posted: 21.12.2012, 11:23
by Fenerit
Hi Jo?l; there is another one, imho...

Re: Beware the trolls

Posted: 21.12.2012, 20:39
by John Van Vliet
--- edit ---

Re: Beware the trolls

Posted: 22.12.2012, 03:03
by PlutonianEmpire
The moment I saw olyv's very first post, I knew right away he was j.t.k., tbh.

Re: Beware the trolls

Posted: 22.12.2012, 11:19
by t00fri
The identity of olyv with J.T.K. = bdfd = wieczor = mousse = nemetonia
was highly suggestive to me already in November from a number of signatures beyond
those pointed out by Jo?l.

Roughly since my "harmless" question to olyv:


Re: Beware the trolls

Posted: 22.12.2012, 14:16
by jogad
olyv wrote:Ola,
i have a problem with an add-on, and i ask just an answer (if it's possible).
Bon, tu l'auras voulu! Je dois reconna?tre que tu es sacr?ment gonfl? !

If anyone still has any doubts, here's the proof that it is a lie.
This is the penultimate post of olyv in my thread:

olyv wrote:
jogad wrote:This view is impossible and there is more than one evidence that this is a montage.
yes, it was to respond quickly and show my problem. :(
Of course! :!: :!:
Everybody knows tha it is much more quick and easy to make make a montage than to post a true screenshot! :lol:

:evil: But olyv was not discouraged and continues:

olyv wrote:here is the "real" screenshot in Celestia :
    - For a screen with these proportions and with my add-on, the image of the shuttle appear wider.
    - The image of the shuttle on the screenshot is inclined, which is not the case with the add-on's image.
    - The indication of the name of the spaceship next to the image proves that the shuttle comes from another add-on installed purposely to create confusion.
:idea: It is obvious that this screenshot is dishonest and does not illustrate a problem with my add-on.

Olyv was angered by the creation of this post. He sent me this personal message:
olyv wrote:traduce with google
Le recent topic ne repond pas ? la question et prouve ton incompetence ? repondre a une question simple... :(

Olyv has thought "traduit avec Google" (translated with google) and wrote "traduce with google"
This mistake is particularly funny and appropriate! :lol:
this is the meaning of the text:
(the recent topic doesn't answer the question and proves your incompetence to answer a simple question... :( )

Of course the text is not translated from any other language than French: Google doesn't forget the mandatory French accents. :twisted:

olyv wrote:perhaps i choosed bad words, sorry if did it.

Everything olyv writes is either a lie or an insult. :(
This is far beyond a bad choice of words. :!:

As if that was not enough he continues to post in my thread as if nothing had happened. :x :cry:
Is there a way to prevent olyv to post in the thread of my add-on?


Re: Beware the trolls

Posted: 22.12.2012, 14:46
by t00fri
Jogad wrote:Olyv was angered by the creation of this post. He sent me this personal message:
olyv wrote:
olyv wrote:traduce with google
Le recent topic ne repond pas ? la question et prouve ton incompetence ? repondre a une question simple... :(
I also got an insulting PM from olyv

that clearly reveals his French language background like in Jo?l's case:

'traduce with google' has an entirely different meaning in English ;-) from what was intended (->'translated by google') and clearly reveals the relation to the correct wording in French:

'traduit par google'

Here is my reply with the quote of his PM ;-)
t00fri wrote:
olyv wrote:traduce with google :
Art der entarteten paranoid !
Sie haben nichts anderes zu ficken ?


Google's backward translation of olyv's 2 lines into English reads:
google wrote:Kind of degenerate paranoid!
You have nothing else to fuck?


Re: Beware the trolls

Posted: 22.12.2012, 20:08
by Cham
Okay, that's enough. Ban the guy ! :evil:

Please moderators !

Re: Beware the trolls

Posted: 22.12.2012, 21:12
by MiR
I fear this is not the right solution. As we could see in the past.
Better we follow Jo?l. His advice; do not feed, ignore him...

@olyv: you're not stupid. Therefore the day will come when you'll realise what a poor person you are.
Please change your habits. This would be better Not just for us but for yourself.
