Galileo and Cassini crashes...
Posted: 25.01.2003, 02:24
by Kendrix
I have noticed that on the predicted crash dates for that two probes, in Celestia at the time of the crash, the probes are far from the planets !
Strange bug since the dates are good...
Where does it come from ?
Posted: 25.01.2003, 03:01
by selden
The trajectories are taken from the database at Horizons. Their database is only as good as what they're provided by the individual project teams.
Presumably the Galileo database hasn't been updated since the decision was made to send the probe into Jupiter.
The Cassini trajectory at Horiizons is strictly perliminary. They haven't finalized most of the exploration of Saturn's system. Also, if they get the funding and the spacecraft continues to function, it'll last much longer than currently planned, just as Galileo's explorations did.