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Lagrangia . . .

Posted: 07.09.2012, 11:54
by Chuft-Captain
. . . a 3 stage plan to settle the solar system :)

STAGE 1 - The Base:

STAGE 2 - Island One:
Island Two - further.jpg

STAGE 3: - Island 2,3,4 . . . . .

Re: Lagrangia . . .

Posted: 29.09.2012, 06:43
by Chuft-Captain
I've been messing about with Runar's beautiful Island One model recently.
I've scaled it down from it's original size to a size more akin to Gerard K. O'Neill's original design (which was proposed to have a 1 mile circumference).

This version has a radius of 320m, which is slightly larger than O'Neill's original, but comparable in scale, and has a rotation period of 36 seconds (or 1 2/3 rpm)
To give you an idea of scale, I'm asked one of my 1.8m tall deputies to climb to the highest reachable point near the rim of the main habitat. At this altitude (about 100m higher than the equator) the land slopes at approx. 45 degrees.
Habitat - climbing-03.jpg

To give context, here's the view from outside (That's my guy, indicated by the marker in the second pic.):
Habitat - climbing-03 from outside.jpg