Celestia at KICP workshop
Posted: 10.03.2010, 17:45
The Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics and the Adler Planetary are hosting a workshop about software for astronomical visualization, including Celestia, Partiview, Microsoft World-Wide Telescope, and Google Sky. The workshop will be held in Chicago, from April 28-30. Scientists and educators who are using astronomical visualization software are invited to apply to attend the conference. There's more information here:
I'll be doing a one hour presentation and demo of Celestia on the first day of the conference. I'm planning to give an overview of Celestia's capabilities and show example usages in education, astrophysics, and spaceflight (suggestions welcome!)
I'll be doing a one hour presentation and demo of Celestia on the first day of the conference. I'm planning to give an overview of Celestia's capabilities and show example usages in education, astrophysics, and spaceflight (suggestions welcome!)