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Info URLs

Posted: 09.01.2003, 19:34
by thewolfhound

I did a search but did not find it, does anyone know how to change the URL the program launches too when you right click on Info for a planet? (I don't mean in the extrasolar.scc I mean like for Earth or Mars, to point it to another website rather than launching

What I'm doing is creating a fictional universe and I need to make changes.

Would just adding
InfoURL "http://???"

To the planet entry for say Earth in the solarsys.ssc file work?


Posted: 09.01.2003, 19:45
by selden

Posted: 09.01.2003, 22:08
by thewolfhound

One more question. What if I wanted the html file to be stored locally on a hard drive for users without net access? What directory should I place the files so that the InfoURL will look for them?


Sorry, let me refine my question. If I put a url in the root celestia folder it will find it. But if I create a subfolder and try to point it to that folder it either
1) The browser launches but it won't find my html file because I used
InfoURL "subfoldername/filename.html"
2) I lose the planet (it won't show up at all) because I used
InfoURL "subfoldername\filename.html"

Posted: 09.01.2003, 22:17
by Rassilon
maybe make a html folder in the celestia root and store the files there...make sure you copy the correct url into info url..load the page in a browser and copy the address in IE or netscape as it appears...i suppose it will work for local pages...havent tried it yet...

Posted: 09.01.2003, 22:36
by thewolfhound
Also my default browser is Mozilla not IE. So maybe IE does the subdirectory thing just fine. Not sure.

Posted: 09.01.2003, 22:42
by thewolfhound
Sorry for wasting the bandwidth. I solved my own problem so figured I'd post what I discovered.

InfoURL "subdirectory\\filename.html"

Worked in both IE and Mozilla.

Posted: 09.01.2003, 23:13
by DavidR
Like http:// subfolder/file.html you can use file:///C|/subfolder/file.html where C is the drive and | replace :

This works in all browsers.

Posted: 09.01.2003, 23:29
by Christophe
DavidR wrote:Like http:// subfolder/file.html you can use file:///C|/subfolder/file.html where C is the drive and | replace :

This works in all browsers.

... on Windows.

On Linux the browser doesn't inherit celestia's working directory so you can't use relative URLs either.


Posted: 13.01.2003, 21:58
by chris
Christophe wrote:
DavidR wrote:Like http:// subfolder/file.html you can use file:///C|/subfolder/file.html where C is the drive and | replace :

This works in all browsers.

... on Windows.

On Linux the browser doesn't inherit celestia's working directory so you can't use relative URLs either.


Right . . . I hadn't considered that people might want to reference local HTML documents with InfoURLs. Is there a 'right' way to do this that works across platforms?


Posted: 13.01.2003, 22:09
by Christophe
chris wrote:Right . . . I hadn't considered that people might want to reference local HTML documents with InfoURLs. Is there a 'right' way to do this that works across platforms?

Not at the moment I think, support for relative URLs could be added very easily in KDE with a simple check of the presence of 'http://'.

Using \\ to separate directories is not a good idea I think, the windows version should be tweaked to accept a simple / as expected.