Here are the links to download it from SourceForge:
Win32 binary package:
Source package (for Linux users, or anyone else who wants to compile Celestia themself):
If SourceForge is being flaky for some reason, you can get Celestia 1.2.5 directly from
Win32 binary:
Source package:
Do try and use the SourceForge link if possible. Here's the complete list of changes between 1.2.4 and 1.2.5:
Code: Select all
* Implemented text-based auxilliary star catalogs
* Added orientation property for planets
* Corrected rotation of Toutatis
* Improved specular highlights on planets (use local viewer model)
* Added constellation boundaries
* Fixed z fighting when cloud layers are used with vertex shaders
* Added Christopher Andre's eclipse finder for windows
* Fixed writing of locations file so locations still work after restarting
* Comets
* Added newly discovered extrasolar planets
* Added InfoURL field for objects in .ssc files
* Numerous Gtk UI fixes (details?)
* Fixed 'squareness' of planets and moons viewed at a distance
* Middle mouse button toggles between 45 degree and last field of view
* Added FOV to set command, so scripts can set the field of view.
* Made ring shadows optional
* Added distance filtering for stars
* Encode/decode Tycho catalog numbers, to support extended star database
* Fixed Moon's orbit so it doesn't crash into the Earth far in the future
* Improved vertex shader illumination for planetary rings
* Better text display from .cel scripts
* Added text "flash" messages for many keyboard commands
* Fixed Windows Solar System Browser to allow arbitrary depth tree
* Added shadows cast by rings onto planets
* Fixed lots of bugs with sampled orbits (.xyz files)
* Added RotateAcceleration field to config file; allows adjustment of
navigation control sensitivity
* Improved accuracy of orbital calculations; VSOP87 series for all planets
* Added beginning/ending fields to definitions in .ssc files; allows
setting finite lifespans for objects
* Made galaxies pickable
* Added view frustum culling of galaxies, for much improved performance
* Allow date strings Beginning, Ending, and Epoch fields of .ssc files
* Fixed incorrect occlusion of small satellites orbiting close to planets
* New set of constellation figures
* Sync'd mouse functions in Windows and Linux versions of Celestia
* Linux: fixed dialing ranges in set time dialog
* Fixed texture lookup to use higher res textures if a low res one isn't
* Made steering keys on keypad turn the camera at a rate proportional to the
field of view
* Added 'automag' option to automatically adjust the limiting magnitude based
on the field of view (i.e. fainter stars become visible when the fov is
* Fixed haloes around bright stars so they're fixed in size regardless of
field of view
* New colors for celestial grid and constellation figures
* Tuning of Gnome GUI: underlined key accelerators, enabled operation of all
dialogs and menus with ALT <key>, arrow keys, and Tab
* Linux: GUI now synced with current state of pixel/vertex shaders
* New keyboard bindings:
Ctrl+Y : automag toggle
Ctrl+T : toggle display of comet tails
Ctrl+B : constellation boundaries toggle
! : use current time
Backspace : clear selection
* Reversed more/fewer stars keys ([ and ]) to be consistent with more/less
ambient light keys
* Added support for multiple extras directories
* Reduced minimum field of view down to 3 arcsec
* Fixed glitch with center command that appeared under Linux and on Windows
when building with VS.NET
* Cleaned up OpenGL extension initialization
* Significantly improved the reliability of object selection via mouse
click, notably for small fields of view in the arcsec range.
* Fixed the 'move' script command
* New script commands: setfaintestautomag45deg {magnitude float},
lookback {}
* [,] keys now adjust the limiting magnitude at 45 degrees
field of view, if automag is ON. Values displayed via flash messages
* Associated the 'looking back' operation with the '*' key shortcut
* Fixed bug in orbits of Galilean moons
* Corrected equatorial planes and rotation offsets for the major planets
* Linux: Added KDE interface, all features of the GTK interface are
available (except for the Tour Guide), new features include:
- Bookmarks / URLs;
- History navigation;
- Configurable shortcuts and tool bar;
- Contextual menus;
- Saved Settings and Preferences.
Integration with KDE:
- New Mime Type application/x-celestia-script for *.cel files;
- *.cel files and cel:// URLs are associated with Celestia, if no instance
of Celestia is running when the file or URL is activated it will be
started and the script will be run or the location set to that of the URL.
If an instance is already running the script will be run in that instance
or that instance's location will be changed to match the URL.
* Added drag and drop and copy to clipboard for cel:// URLs on Windows
Many thanks to Christophe and Fridger for all their work on this release. And thanks to all the people here on the forum for finding and reporting bugs in prereleases.