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Idea for Celestia
Posted: 02.01.2003, 16:28
by Spaceman42
Would it be possible to operate Celestia as a screensaver, with a "random interesting object" path thing?
Posted: 03.01.2003, 01:29
by Borg Collective
First, we want to welcome You on Forums. Stay here. Don't make Yourself a-one-post Guy.
Second, your "problem". Maybe it could be done. We can make something similar to screensaver. It would actually be application that would run after specified time od inactivity and run Celestia embedded into it's window, with the menu hidden. As for "random interesting object" path... we don't have totally acceptable solution. Could a Celestia Script be created with some kind of Random function? Otherwise, You (someone else?) could create script with tour which will be runned every time when Screensaver activates.
Creating this program isn't hard. We could complete it in about 24 hours or so if you want.
Posted: 05.02.2003, 03:43
by Spaceman42
Gaaah... I completely forgot about this post, then found the shortcut again, wondered what it was, and...
What I meant by that was, having a sort of "interesting image" thingy. IE, the more different things in the foreground, the more "interesting" the image would be, and the more likely the 'camera' would slow or pause to 'watch' for a while.
Let me try to do a verbal example.
Say the camera is following a random [more or less straight-line, though] and happens to pass by Jupiter. Since Jupiter is an "interesting object", and is nearby, the camera slows a bit. Now, say Titan also happens to be nearby, but a bit out of camera range. Since it, too, is an "interesting object", and since > interesting objects = > interesting image, the camera "detours" to get Titan in the foreground, with Jupiter looming large behind it. If Sol happens to be in a good spot, the "camera" rotates a bit to catch it just gleaming from behind Jupiter...
You catch my meaning?
Yeah, I know it'd be a bit difficult to do [understatement], but it'd be really cool...
[Yes, I know 'coolness' isn't generally the greatest of motivations for doing something. Mweh to that. And shouldn't the ISS model be only of what's been assembled so far? AFAIK, the big solar panels aren't up yet.]
Posted: 05.02.2003, 18:06
by Borg Collective
You don't need to clarify that much, the bilions of drones in Collective surely understand you but still, we can only make an application. We haven't even started assimilation of Celestia's Script Code. From our point(s) of view, something like that is extreemly hard to make. Maybe it could be implemented but only on one time interval. Again, we haven't assimilated Celestia yet so we can't provide any assistance on this matter, try talking to individual designated as "chris", the creator of Celestia. He could answer your prayers. If you want ScreenSaver Application, post your request.