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CMS models

Posted: 02.01.2003, 00:04
by JackHiggins
Could anyone explain what exactly do the terms in .cms files mean? This is the one for "roughsphere.cms"- could this be made more elaborate or is this as detailed as these files can get?

# roughsphere.cms
# Approximately spherical chunk of rock used to represent various small
# moons and asteroids throughout the solar system.

Size [ 0.9 1.0 0.95 ]
NoiseOffset [ 17 42 45 ]
FeatureHeight 0.2
Octaves 2

- Jack

CMS models

Posted: 02.01.2003, 07:33
by chris
JackHiggins wrote:Could anyone explain what exactly do the terms in .cms files mean? This is the one for "roughsphere.cms"- could this be made more elaborate or is this as detailed as these files can get?

CMS ("Celestia Mesh") is a dead format . . . Use a .3ds mesh for geometry instead, as .cms files will be going away soon.
