chris wrote:I did some tests and found that the deep sky object octree traversal is only a small part of the slowdown. The main cause is the fact that the Milky Way is being drawn even when the brightest parts of it are out of view. This is not a bug--it's expected behavior when the viewer is inside a galaxy's bounding sphere.
Since quite a long time I am actually aware of the special culling problematics in case of the MilkyWay, if galaxy rendering = OFF along with the frequent case of the
observer being located inside the MW boundary. A few days ago I checked explicitly that the difference between galaxy rendering being ON and OFF
almost vanishes, after just commenting out the MilkyWay entry in galaxies.dsc. I wanted to write about this fact, but finally didn't, since I was VERY busy throughout the passed days (house renovations
etc). Anyway, we certainly agree here.
Due to the huge apparent size of the MilkyWay boundary for a typical "inside" observer near Earth, our galaxy is practically rendered allways, if rendering is not manifestly turned off. The rendering and culling issues for far away galaxies are of quite different nature, however.
However, the galaxy drawing code is not optimized. Galaxies are composed of thousands of 'sprites', and quite a few calculations are performed in order to draw each one of them. I optimized a few things and was able to boost the frame rate of a 'no visible galaxies' scene from 157 to 185 fps. There are some more involved optimizations that could be used to get more performance, but ultimately we'd be best off writing a custom vertex shader to offload the per-sprite calculations to the GPU.
Your ~ 15% performance improvement does not look too impressive, I would say.
I could tell about various critical parameters, where relatively small changes would amount to quite a bit more (towards the worse
). With Toti I systematically examined and logged such "sensitivities" ...
Incidentally, I noted some time ago that the
overall rendering performance for galaxies has substantially decreased relative to my benchmark rates that I logged years ago, when our galaxy package was integrated into Celestia. Several people have made smaller changes to galaxy.cpp, render.cpp and octree parameters in the course of time possibly without doing sufficient benchmarking afterwards and not knowing about all the delicate performance balancing that I had done. I am now unable to trace the precise origin of the deterioration. I wrote about this fact already some time ago.
Fridger: I can send you my performance tweaks if you're interested. Nothing too exciting--just moving some calculations out of the inner loop, and using the blob's camera space z-coordinate instead of the distance to the viewer.
Yes, please, send me your tweaks. There are various connected and not very conspicuous issues that need to be carefully examined even in case of small code changes to the galaxy code.
I think, it's fair to say that altogether, the performance of our rendering code for 10000+ galaxies is pretty good despite the specific MilkyWay issue.
If sufficiently motivated, one could always add further, more involved MilkyWay-specific constraints to the code in order to prevent MilkyWay rendering, if e.g. the
MW core remains invisible... Since Earth is pretty close to the galactic plane, a simple flattening of the boundary ellipsoid wouldn't be very effective, though.