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How to create a dust ring

Posted: 17.05.2009, 18:55
by thefallenghost
How can I create a dust ring (or any type of ring) around a certain star?

Re: How to create a dust ring

Posted: 17.05.2009, 20:13
by eburacum45
There is a topic about this subject here;

I must admit that the image I created in that thread was mostly acheived using post-processing with Gimp; but I did manage to make a relatively acceptable dust ring for Fomalhaut. I used a large billboard centred on the star, duplicated to appear above and below the ecliptic (otherise it disappears when you are inside it).

Re: How to create a dust ring

Posted: 17.05.2009, 20:47
by thefallenghost
Then how do Saturn's rings work?

Re: How to create a dust ring

Posted: 17.05.2009, 21:26
by Hungry4info
Saturn's rings are defined in the .ssc file for Saturn.

I've put rings around stars in the same method, (placing an ssc ojbect inside a star) but it always looked weird. The ring was not illuminated the same from all directions, and other glitches made things look worse.

I have placed a dust ring around Fomalhaut using a dsc object, with a custom template image thing. It looks fairly acceptable.

Re: How to create a dust ring

Posted: 19.05.2009, 12:11
by BobHegwood
You might also wish to examine some of Bertrand's add-ons on the Motherlode.
Just have a look at some of the ring systems he has created for the Star Trek
category. His user-id is bdfd.

Some really different, and interesting large ring systems for asteroids.
Just a thought. :wink:

Thanks, Brain-Dead