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Star System from "Homeworld"?

Posted: 25.11.2002, 10:04
by Borg Collective
Anybody of you played Real-Time-Strategy game "Homeworld"?
Then you probably know what we are talking about.

We want to create an identical star system from that game and
inport it into "CELESTIA".


1) Is it possible to remove all objects that don't belong into our Solar system (stars, exoplanets,...)?
2) Is it possible to put a picture as a background?

Star System from "Homeworld"?

Posted: 25.11.2002, 10:18
by MKruer
Borg Collective wrote:Anybody of you played Real-Time-Strategy game "Homeworld"?
Then you probably know what we are talking about.

We want to create an identical star system from that game and
inport it into "CELESTIA".


1) Is it possible to remove all objects that don't belong into our Solar system (stars, exoplanets,...)?
Yes, you need to edit the solarsys.ssc located in the data subdirectory of Celestia. Do a search for information on editing ssc files for more information
Borg Collective wrote:2) Is it possible to put a picture as a background?
I dont think so, but i dont knowof anyone that has ever tried

Posted: 25.11.2002, 11:00
by Borg Collective
Background is black in the "CELESTIA", we are asking can we replace it with a picture?

Posted: 31.12.2002, 02:45
by Borg Collective
This thread has gone too deeply "underground".
Returning to top and asking again:

1) Is it possible to implement a background picture into "Celestia" istead of plain black background?
2) Does anyone knows how to do it?
3) Who can do it (we and programming are really bad combination)?

Posted: 02.01.2003, 12:52
by Borg Collective
If it's not possible to replace the black background then can we create a sphere with the graphic around the whole system that will mimic background?

Posted: 02.01.2003, 13:51
by Buzz
I've been thinking about this too. I don't think it is possible yet though. It would be nice to show an all-sky panorama like the one here if the observation point is "close enough" to the sun...