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Earth's Moon in Celestia

Posted: 04.10.2008, 00:31
by PlutonianEmpire
In the english version, when you go to Earth's moon, it simply says "Moon," as we all know. My question is, why is it that? Why doesn't it say "Luna" or something like that instead?

Re: Earth's Moon in Celestia

Posted: 04.10.2008, 02:22
by julesstoop
Wow. D?ja vue..
I remember a discussion on the same subject, on this very same board, some years ago.
Anybody remember what it came at in the end? (besides calling our biggest satellite "Moon")

Re: Earth's Moon in Celestia

Posted: 04.10.2008, 11:12
by Adirondack
PlutonianEmpire wrote:In the english version, when you go to Earth's moon, it simply says "Moon," as we all know. My question is, why is it that? Why doesn't it say "Luna" or something like that instead?
Well, ask your neighbor what and where "Luna" is!
Probably the answer will be: "I don't know what you are talking about."


Re: Earth's Moon in Celestia

Posted: 04.10.2008, 13:13
by Johaen
Because the English name of the Moon is "Moon". Luna is it's Latin name.

Re: Earth's Moon in Celestia

Posted: 04.10.2008, 14:28
by BobHegwood
Johaen wrote:Because the English name of the Moon is "Moon". Luna is it's Latin name.

Perfect explanation here.

Thanks very much for the logic. :wink: