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Surface locations by long-lat gone?

Posted: 24.08.2008, 02:46
by Marty
I recall that I could enter a long-lat for a location on say, Mars and it would take me there with a goto.

I can no longer find this facility on 1.5.


Re: Surface locations by long-lat gone?

Posted: 25.08.2008, 09:57
by selden

What type of computer are you running Celestia on?

If you have the Windows version of Celestia, use the Navigation/GoTo menu. The Mac and Linux versions of Celestia have different user interfaces.

Re: Surface locations by long-lat gone?

Posted: 25.08.2008, 10:46
by ElChristou
This feature is available on Mac.

Re: Surface locations by long-lat gone?

Posted: 25.08.2008, 12:37
by Marty
You're right folks, it IS there. How did I miss it before...?
