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New Shadow problem

Posted: 12.07.2008, 11:05
by Tavotrio
Hi all I fixed the old shadow problem and with it came another problem...

Here is the moon with no shadow:

The twin moon start to make it's shadow on it:


In the end of the eclipse it back to normal texture... this ocures with the shadows of all planets... Why it lose the land texture?? If I press the Key "i" for remove clouds the shadow is correctely aplied on the land texture...

If pres Ctrl+v the problem is fixed but the shadow lose reality become pixelised and completly black, and just one shadow (the system have 2 suns so each planet make 2 shadows)

I also noticd that if I remove the specular the surface texture don't go red...

Specular + Clouds + Shadows = Red surface
Specular + Clouds + No Shadows = Normal surface
Specular + No Clouds + Shadows = Normal surface
No Specular + Clouds + Shadows = Normal surface

One more discovery! if I remove the rendering of cloud's shadow the surface texture go normal, personaly I like this solution lol
This this caused by some kind of over-rendering???

Re: New Shadow problem

Posted: 12.07.2008, 12:45
by selden
A red object is used to indicate that the OpenGL runtime vertex shader compiler returned an error. The exact error message can be found in shaders.log, which Celestia writes to the current default directory, usually the desktop.

This particular error is caused by trying to do too many vertex shader operations in a single pass.