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One of My Textures to be on TV

Posted: 02.07.2008, 21:45
by Don. Edwards
Not sure if this is the best place for this, and if its not than Selden is more than free to move it to Purgatory.

I have been contacted by WGBH Boston for the use of one of my Mars textures in an upcoming episode
of NOVA ScienceNOW. The air date is set for Wednesday, July 30 2008 at 9pm your local time on most PBS stations covering the Phoenix Mission to Mars.
The texture being used is one of my older Mars textures that I had lightened the shadows on substantially.
They will be using it for an orbital rendering of the planet. Other than that I don't have many more details.

I am looking forward to see what they do with it.

Don. Edwards

Re: One of My Textures to be on TV

Posted: 02.07.2008, 22:43
by Nastytang
WOW Don that`s Great!!!! :D

Re: One of My Textures to be on TV

Posted: 03.07.2008, 00:54
by fsgregs

What wonderful news. Perhaps this can lead to additional work with NOVA as one of their part time planetary texture designers. Think of how many visual graphics one of those 1 hour science Astronomy documentaries has! :) Your work is of such high quality that I would think NOVA would jump at the chance to work with you.


Re: One of My Textures to be on TV

Posted: 03.07.2008, 05:16
by LordFerret
Congrats Don! 8) :D

Re: One of My Textures to be on TV

Posted: 03.07.2008, 08:09
by ElChristou

Re: One of My Textures to be on TV

Posted: 03.07.2008, 11:47
by zhar2

Re: One of My Textures to be on TV

Posted: 04.07.2008, 16:56
by DonAVP
Glad to hear the news. I will try and catch the show.

I have a question and hope you don't take offense. Did you get any $$ for your effort? This IMO increases your value and may lead to more opportunities. Are they using Celestia to render sequences from space? If not you may what to turn them on to it's capabilities.

Just my 2cents.


Re: One of My Textures to be on TV

Posted: 04.07.2008, 22:08
by Don. Edwards
I have been paid in the past for some of my texture work in commercial applications. This being for public television and the fact the texture has been out an around the internet for a few years now compelled me to allow the usage for free. I feel its enough that I will be able to point to its use in my portfolio of works. Not to say I wouldn't have charged if it was say a commissioned work or they wanted exclusivity to the piece. That goes without saying of course.

Don. Edwards

Re: One of My Textures to be on TV

Posted: 05.07.2008, 10:38
by bh
Congrats Don... keep up the good work old boy.