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bookmarks are gone

Posted: 14.05.2008, 07:37
by Goonster
I have downloaded 1.5.1 and I think it is definitely better . There is just a couple of things though. Firstly when I went to look at my bookmarks the images I had bookmarked were gone. I still got to where I wanted to go but whereas before I had a nice image of Apollo 11 and Eagle docked together orbiting the moon with the Earth in the background - now I`ve just got the CSM alone. It is the same with Cassini/Saturn , Galileo/Jupiter etc. I had nice scenes set up and now the view has changed completely. Am I going to have to redo all my bookmarks or is there a way around it?
The second thing is just me. There is a small red square in the screen that pops up when I choose a star/planet. I`m sure it was not there to start with but for the life of me I just can`t work out how to get rid of it again(if its possible)


Re: bookmarks are gone

Posted: 14.05.2008, 09:04
by selden

You'll have to recreate your URLs.

Part of the problem is that the position of the solar system in Celestia's coordinate system has changed. The Solar System's Barycenter (its gravitational center, around which the Sun and planets all orbit) is now at the center. This means that the Earth and everything else are at different positions. Celestia's URLs use absolute coordinates, so in v1.5, although they take you to the same positions as they did in v1.4, the planets are no longer where they were in v1.4.

Also, Celestia's distance scale and times have changed. (A discussion of TDB is available in the Celestia WikiBook at )

Together, these changes mean that Celestia now can use NASA's SPICE trajectory files and exactly reproduce the flight paths of the various space probes. This was not possible with earlier versions of Celestia.

Unfortunately, these changes also mean that v1.4's URLs don't work in v1.5. Chris originally had hoped that it would be possible to have a compatibility mode in Celestia, but the combinations of all the coordinate changes conspired to make this not possible.

Re: bookmarks are gone

Posted: 14.05.2008, 10:52
by Goonster
Thanks for clearing that up . I guess its a small price to pay when you consider all the improvements. I`ll have some fun re-creating the images in the new version I guess.

Goonster :D

Re: bookmarks are gone

Posted: 15.05.2008, 03:06
by bdm
Goonster wrote:The second thing is just me. There is a small red square in the screen that pops up when I choose a star/planet. I`m sure it was not there to start with but for the life of me I just can`t work out how to get rid of it again(if its possible)

You can turn off this red square by disabling Markers in the Render menu.

Re: bookmarks are gone

Posted: 15.05.2008, 05:19
by Goonster
Thanks very much.

Goonster :D