CAP-Team wrote:Well I partly agree with Bob, that it is sometimes handy to see a pixel to locate objects, but on the other hand, for instance the moon orbiting earth.
When viewed from a great distance, the moon won't be visible as a white dot next to earth.
Why do you think that it wouldn't be visible? The Moon is smaller and less reflective than the Earth, but it would still be easily visible from both Venus or Mars.
Or even when the moon is half lit, viewed from a distance but not too far, so the moon is still resolved, the moon is hardly visible. And then, going just a little bit further, and voil? the moon is a white/gray dot. This doesn't seem right to me.
if the dark side of the moon is viewed from a big distance, it will show as a white dot while it shouldn't be visible at all.
The transition from rendering planets as spheres to the point representation isn't perfect, but I think it's a pretty good compromise. Consider that Mars is clearly visible in Earth's night sky even though it would cover less than a pixel in Celestia at a typical resolution with a 30 degree view. In a 1000x1000 window, each pixel is 1.8 minutes x 1.8 minutes. Yet, the angular diameter of Mars as seen from Earth is never greater than about 25 seconds. That's about 1/20 of a pixel in the 1000x1000 30 degree view. If Celestia were to just render Mars as a sphere in this situation, it wouldn't show up at all. The graphics hardware would simply throw away the tiny polygons that are used for the sphere mesh. So, the point rendering of planets can be thought of as a way to address the undersampling problems that are inevitable with current graphics hardware.
The problem you're reporting with a dot appears when the dark side of the Moon is seen at a great distance is due to incorrect expectations. First of all, at a phase angle of exactly 180 degrees, Celestia does show the Moon disappearing. At slightly lower phase angles some thin crescent is still illuminated, meaning the Moon should remain visible but not be as bright as when seen at very low phase angles. Celestia does a reasonable approximation of the variation of illumination with phase. I do agree that in Celestia the transition isn't quite right when zooming away from a planet at high phase angle. However, the problem isn't that the planet gets rendered as a dot--which is correct--but that the finite resolution of the frame buffer means that no lit pixels of small crescent disks are drawn.
There's actually one more issue contributing to the apparent overbrightness of planets when rendered as points. Celestia uses two different mappings of radiance to pixel value: a logarithmic mapping for point objects (distant stars and planets) and a linear mapping for objects larger than one pixel. The logarithmic mapping is affected by the limiting magnitude setting for stars, whereas the linear mapping is not. We're beginning to address this with high dynamic range rendering, where the mapping of radiance to pixel value can be treated uniformly.