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Feature request: error messages enabled

Posted: 01.11.2002, 21:40
by selden
Too often when developing a new add-on, Celestia detects an error and silently ignores the enhancement. Often it can take many rewrites before one finds the cause of the problem.

There are quite a few error message printouts in the souce code that apparently are disabled when the final executable is generated. It'd be really nice if they could be left enabled, perhaps using the new status message display feature -- the one that shows the magnitude cutoff limit, etc.

Posted: 02.11.2002, 01:06
by chris
This is an important feature to add . . . One thing you can do in the meantime is run Celestia from the command line like this:

celestia > blah

. . . to redirect error output into the file blah. You'll see some basic debugging information inside which might help get your addons working faster.


Posted: 02.11.2002, 01:56
by selden


Unfortunately, it looks like not all of the possible error messages are redirected. For example, I intentionally commented out the period in one of my .ssc files and it didn't complain, but didn't load the description either. Adding -v to the command line didn't help, either. :(

(I assume you're aware that it's generating an error message about the "track" command in demo.cel.)

Posted: 02.11.2002, 12:52
by selden
Oops. Ignore my comment about the "track" directive, although it'd be nice if it could be implemented. I'd fogotten I'd been messing with demo.cel while trying out some things. :oops: