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Bats ?!? What's going on ?
Posted: 01.11.2002, 16:35
by Guest
Ok this is a totally pointless question.... but what's with the bats on the hompage ? Why are they there ? What are they for ? Are they really there, or is my computer behaving extremely strangely ?
(Mad Boris)
Posted: 01.11.2002, 16:49
by chris
Just a little Halloween fun is all . . . I removed them today.
Posted: 01.11.2002, 18:25
by Darkmiss
I quite liked those bats.
made me jump though when I first saw them from the corner of my eye.
Posted: 01.11.2002, 18:44
by chris
For ongoing bat fun, you can always go here:
Posted: 02.11.2002, 11:04
by Malcolm
I missed the original and now :
Error "cannot find server"
Rats !
Couldnt get it lastnight and still no luck today.
Posted: 02.11.2002, 11:21
by Malcolm
Malcolm wrote:I missed the original and now :
Error "cannot find server"
Rats !
Couldnt get it lastnight and still no luck today.
Thank you ! It's working now. (are you watching Chris ? did you fix it or was it just by chance that I hit the server at a good time ??)
Good fun
Minor thing Chris : You have a surplus of /body and /html tags at the end without a < in front of the last /body so it is getting printed to screen