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Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 05:29
by LordFerret
Very nice! Sharp and clean looking, lots of features! I like! Thanks Chris!!! :D

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 09:07
by Fightspit
Very nice forum, it changes a lot from the "white on black" solaris style :wink: .

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 11:06
by ElChristou
Indeed, after so many time on subsilver it's a bit surprising!

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 11:14
by ajtribick
This will take a bit of getting used to.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 12:01
by MKruer
Well this is a surprise. I am glad the site was upgraded. everyone should enjoy the added flexibility that phpbb3 offers. Not to pimp my own style, but you might want to add this template for thoes who have wide screen monitors. ... &sk=t&sd=a
The new default style was lacking in some key areas.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 14:30
by buggs_moran
Ack, thrown off, no warning, is my browser broken, did I lose my cookies, or just toss them :lol:

Just Kidding, nice new look. I must be getting old though, change makes me anxious.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 14:43
by t00fri
ajtribick wrote:This will take a bit of getting used to.

I agree ;-) ...the user names on the right of the forum index should have been in boldface!


Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 15:38
by ajtribick
Given the nature of the forums and the various physics/astronomy discussions that go on, it might be interesting to enable LaTeX support...

See here for details.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 18:45
by Guckytos

I like the new PHPBB 3. But whats throwing me still off, is that now the usernames are on the right side. On the left hand side would be better, IMHO.

But otherwise, it seems quite nice.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 19:02
by CAP-Team
I agree, I run my own forum, which still uses PHPBB2, and the other day I was thinking about upgrading to PHPBB3, I think I will postpone that for a while, or wait for some good adjustable styles.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 19:44
by bh
Blimey... where am I?

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 19:57
by selden
In addition to the new appearance, the registration agreement has changed. I've updated the Celestia Guidelines to include that new agreement.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 20:01
by bh
It's not good that you have to scroll down to the latest post... or do you?

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 20:06
by John Van Vliet
edit 5:47 pm

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 20:12
by selden
bh wrote:It's not good that you have to scroll down to the latest post... or do you?

As best I can tell, you just have to be patient. If you've selected the "display most recent post" icon on a Forum topic, the window will automatically scroll down when the window has been fully updated. Unfortunately, that sometimes takes a while.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 22:15
by ajtribick
bh wrote:It's not good that you have to scroll down to the latest post... or do you?

Actually, the issue I have is that multitopic threads are displayed in a particularly irritating way... in phpBB2 the list of pages was displayed right underneath the topic title, whereas in phpBB3 the list has been shifted way over to the right (to make way for a bunch of detailed but navigationally useless information about who started the thread and when), so I keep missing it and instead click on the main link and go to the first page. Very annoying. Hopefully this can be changed.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 22:24
by MKruer
Guckytos wrote:Nice,
I like the new PHPBB 3. But whats throwing me still off, is that now the usernames are on the right side. On the left hand side would be better, IMHO.
But otherwise, it seems quite nice.
CAP-Team wrote:I agree, I run my own forum, which still uses PHPBB2, and the other day I was thinking about upgrading to PHPBB3, I think I will postpone that for a while, or wait for some good adjustable styles.

Mean Like

Name: ProSilver_WS (ProSilver Wide Screen)
Author: Matthew Kruer
Version: v3.0.0.2
Compatibility: phpBB3.0.0
Test Site: Click here

Style Information: Click here

Update to ProSilver for phpbb3 adds
Fixes in v3.0.0.1
  • Renamed Style to ProSilver_WS
  • Fixed search by topic text positioning issue
  • Fixed search posts text positioning issue
Fixes in v3.0.0.2
  • Fixed bug that was created by the last update in the viewing of normal topics
  • Fixed PM posts text positioning issue

This works great in FireFox, and I have not experienced any issues with Internet Explorer 7.

Notes: Style needs to be approved by the Style Team. I updated the location, but you still will not be able to see it until they release it. I am adding a link to an Temporary Alternate Site 276K.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 22:35
by ajtribick
I like that style... having the user information on the left is good. Main suggestion for improvement is as in my post above, in the forum view move the links for pages [1]...[5][6][7] to the left so they appear under the thread title.

Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 22:52
by chris
I added the old subSilver style as an option. You can set it as your default in the 'Board Settings' section of your user profile.


Re: Wow! New Forums!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 23:04
by ajtribick
chris wrote:I added the old subSilver style as an option. You can set it as your default in the 'Board Settings' section of your user profile.

Cheers for that! I'm back to something approximating ye olde familiare looke. :D