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Posted: 30.01.2008, 16:53
by ajtribick
Sorry if I missed an announcement somewhere, but it now appears that there are both CVS and SVN on SourceForge. Am I to take it that all updates, catalogue file changes, etc. are now being made to the SVN version?

Posted: 30.01.2008, 18:00
by chris
Right--all changes are being made in the SVN respository now. There was an announcement on the developers list, and I'll make an announcement in the developers forum as well. I'm part way through the process of updating the docs on the WikiBook.


Posted: 30.01.2008, 18:01
This is news to me as well 8O I thouight there would be annoucement(at least in the Development Branch) so does anybody have the https/trunk url to download it?


Posted: 30.01.2008, 18:05
Sorry Chris :oops:
I didn't see your reply to tell ajtribick(and others who reads this post) as I was tryping my reply.


Posted: 30.01.2008, 19:18
by Cham

what is the URL to get access to the new repository of the code ? And how are we supposed to download and update our code version on our home computer, so we can compile it ?

Posted: 30.01.2008, 19:39
by chris
Cham wrote:Chris,

what is the URL to get access to the new repository of the code ? And how are we supposed to download and update our code version on our home computer, so we can compile it ?

I posted an announcement in the developer forum:


Posted: 31.01.2008, 12:30
by phoenix
all works fine for me and the SVN updates are much much faster than CVS was ;)

updated my sig too 8)


Posted: 23.01.2009, 15:52

I have downloaded TortoiseSVN as recommended to subscribe to the celestia SVN repository but have been unable to subscribe? I have followed the instructions from Has anyone else experienced the same problems.

I have also been unable to download the recommended Microsoft C++ & SDK tools for Windows XP also. Is it necessary to use these tools or is something like Bloodshed Dev C++ sufficient?



Posted: 23.01.2009, 17:03
by selden
You'll need to provide some more details.

What operating system are you running?
XP or Vista? 32bit or 64bit version? Which Service Pack?

Exactly what error messages do you get from Tortoise SVN?
(n.b. I can't help with it, though. I use the command-line version of svn provided with Cygwin. Someone else will have to help you with the details of usingTortoise SVN.)

Exactly what problems to you have when downloading and/or instlalling the Microsoft Software Development Kit and/or the Express Compiler?
Which products are you downloading?
(I just now verified that the links in the WikiBook point to the correct Microsoft Web pages.)

You do need to use an appropriate version of Microsoft's SDK and C++ if you want someone here to be able to help. So far as I know, nobody has ever tried to build Celestia for Windows with a 3rd party compiler or runtime library. You'd be completely on your own if you try that.


Posted: 23.01.2009, 17:52
Hi Seldon, thks for the quick reply.

I'm running Microsoft XP Pro Version 2002 SP 3 so its a 32 bit version. I'm using TortoiseSVN version 1.5.6 and the resuting error when I try to checkout the celestia repository is

"Checkout from ... stia/trunk, revision HEAD, Fully recursive, Externals included
OPTIONS of '': could
not connect to server ("

Yes, you are correct the links from the WikiBook are correct my problems arise when I try to download each tool. For example I download the setup
.exe for Microsofts SDK fine but when I try to execute it I get the following msg:

"SDKSetup encountered an error: Unable to find the file SDKSetup.xml at the installation source. The most likely reason that you received this message is because the source location of your original installation is unavailable. If you installed from a DVD please re-insert the DVD. If you installed from the Internet, please check your connection."

My connection is fine and I even tried at my work where the connection speed is much faster but still no success. I would like to install both the 2008 SDK and the 2008 express compiler but perhaps I should use older versions?

My aim is develop Celestia for my specific needs. As an aside how well documented/commented is the source code? Thks for all your help.


Posted: 23.01.2009, 18:04
by t00fri
SPACON08 wrote:Hi,

I have downloaded TortoiseSVN as recommended to subscribe to the celestia SVN repository but have been unable to subscribe? I have followed the instructions from Has anyone else experienced the same problems.

I have also been unable to download the recommended Microsoft C++ & SDK tools for Windows XP also. Is it necessary to use these tools or is something like Bloodshed Dev C++ sufficient?


I'm also running Microsoft XP Pro Version 2002 SP 3 (32 bit). The installation of MS VS 2008 Express and the SDK is absolutely straightforward for this environment. The compiler suite works very well notably also for Celestia. I don't see why you would even consider using something like "Bloodshed" ;-) . The Qt4 version might be a little less trivial to build, but it's all working without any quirks...

As a Celestia dev, I am compiling Celestia on a daily basis with VS 2008 Express.



Posted: 23.01.2009, 19:54
by selden
As I said, I'm not a Tortoise user. However, I just now tested the command line version of svn and it's currently downloading OK using the command below for the inital download. (Subsequent downloads require one only to type "svn update"; the initlal download just now completed successfully.)

Code: Select all

svn co celestia/trunk

This suggests to me that there's a problem with how you've told Tortoise what to do.

I'm not sure what is causing the installer not to find the msi file. It sounds like either a network problem or a disk problem, I'd recommend downloading the ISO disk images, burning them to disk and installing from there.

FWI'W, I've been using the 2005 version of the compiler with no issues.


Posted: 24.01.2009, 01:49
Seldon, Fridger

Thks. I have managed to install both the Microsoft SDK and MS VS 2008 Express by downloading the ISO disk images as you recommended. However, I am still having the same trouble with TortoiseSVN. I've read the manual and they describe the same steps as suggested in the WikiBook. I will try the command line version of svn as you suggested. I am at work currently and my company blocks the downloading of anything that does not have a digital signature so I will have to try it at home.

Thks again.


Posted: 26.01.2009, 06:54
by John Van Vliet
--- edit ---


Posted: 31.01.2009, 00:02
However, I just now tested the command line version of svn and it's currently downloading OK using the command below for the inital download. (Subsequent downloads require one only to type "svn update"; the initlal download just now completed successfully.)

I have downloaded cygwin and tried to access the celestia repository via the command you suggested but I get an error stating it can't connect to the server .

Since you have had no problems I suspect its something I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?

Thks in advance.


Posted: 31.01.2009, 07:09
by John Van Vliet
--- edit ---


Posted: 31.01.2009, 19:04
by selden
That will retrieve all past versions of Celestia, totaling well over 1GB.
You might want to specify just the current development version of Celestia, which is about 300 MB.

Code: Select all

svn co celestia


Posted: 01.02.2009, 08:31
Thks John & Seldon,

I tried the comand line you both suggested in cygwin environment but I'm still unable to connect to the server. Obviously, I'm doing something wrong but can't figure what it is. I've installed the svn package in cygwin so I'm not sure why it fails to connect.


Posted: 01.02.2009, 15:58
by selden

Please provide the complete text of the error message generated by svn under Cygwin.
More details should be available by specifying verbose output with the command

Code: Select all

svn -v co ...

You can use the tracert command to make sure that your computer can actually get to

Have you read through SourceForge's subversion documentation?
For Celestia, the starting point would be