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Eclipses and real penumbra

Posted: 07.03.2002, 13:34
by Laahel
hellow, just tried the last version..... and wow.... even with my voodoo 3...... ( juste maybe a few little bugs with eclipse i noticed on jupiter.... )

i had wathed the 1999 full eclipse from france ;p

and i noticed a thing... the shadow is only a projection on the ground, an i asked myself if it would be difficult to make it kind of "spatial" to have the sky dark, like with a real eclipse, and like the nitghs sides.... cause see an eclipse with full daylight is kind of weird.....

i'll try to take a pic of the jupiter eclipse bugs tonight.... it makes 2 shadows on oposite sites of the sphere, and, we can see the "axes" of the shadow disk ( it makes long shadow lines over the planet.....)

maybe my explainations aren't very understandable, sorry, don't know how to tell them, argh !!!

thanks very much for this program, byyyyye