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Chris! Another brilliant;) suggestions from me!!!

Posted: 19.10.2002, 18:18
by AlextheFirst
Well, is there any chance for landisg option? (see
So, when we decrease distance to i. e. Earth then it should normally
zoom the texture. What I mean is to separate landing option, when key-
shortcut is pressed. Then some texture should show, like some trees or
Hmm... I know it would be not easy, but mark this words....

It would be (I think) best option ever added to Celestia!!

I hope im not asking to much...

Anyway -- Celestia is great! It`s the best planetary software i`ve ever

Posted: 20.10.2002, 11:43
by Guest
That's asking a LOT, and is something many, many people have asked for many, many times before... have a look through the user's forum. Not that it's a bad idea, it's just difficult and probably won't appear in Celestia until version 2.0.0 or something daft like that.