fsgregs wrote:Hi folks: I found this on the web
yesterday. It is a supercomputer simulation of the
filamentous structure of the universe, incorporating dark
matter and light matter features together. There are
screenshots of the simulation run, and two fantastic
movie/flyins at different speeds.
that's precisely what I am planning to do (and much
cosmological visualization), since quite some
time, actually. But it will not be part of the present
Celestia code...!
I am of course aware of these most intriguing "mock"
data about the
filiamentary large scale structure of
the Universe, based on the N-body simulation algorithm.
On the one hand, they perfectly match the real SDSS
(Sloan Digital Sky Survey) data, on the other hand they
directly reflect the underlying cosmological model and its
parameters. Most importantly for visualization, and unlike
the SDSS data, the "mock" data provide a smooth data
coverage of a large volume of space-time!
Most interestingly physics-wise, one may directly
visualize the impact of /different/ geometries/cosmologies
of space-time etc. Given these data, I have also very
ambitious plans for visualization of directly related
cosmological observables, like the power spectrum, etc.
All this will of course be paired with my other
longstanding pilars of approach, the /conformal/ display
kinematics and visualization in variable wave-length
bands! As an expert in theoretical cosmology, I know
about the strongly growing demand for scientifically
accurate visualization tools in this pioneering area. I know
about the huge fascination this growing field has for the
upcoming generation of young scientists etc. That's where
the future mainstream interest in basic reseach will go in
the next decade. These cosmological findings will be
paired with hopefully exciting experimental results from
the forthcoming LHC collider (CERN Geneva), who will be
starting operation within the coming year!
I would have long started at SourceForge with this
exciting project of conformal, visualization of cosmology,
if I had more spare time...But I am getting there...
I am still looking for more help in various required
competence areas. Celestial Matters might become the
natural platform for the project.
Bye Fridger