Hi all,
the CM team encourages your posts in
"CM Feedback" and "Fridger's Column".
Please note in this context:
In order to achieve proper formatting of your text, you have to use
HTML formatting tokens in there for making paragraphs etc, which actually is quite similar to what we also do here.
paragraph (break) <br>,
hence a 1 line spacing is obtained via inserting <br><br>
bold <b> ......</b>
italic <i> ......</i>
So, it's quite simple for elementary action.
How about trying it? . If you happen to speak HTML, you can really use the full battery of HTML formatting richness, include images, change text colors, vary your text size etc. ...
Let me mention an
ingeniously pedagogical learning site for HTML
Unfortunately, it's basic language is German. However, translation to various other languages is in full progress. The French translations (of course
) and the Spanish one do exist already.
English is still in progress, however...
The special trick of this tutorial is that you see the HTML code and can click how it would look like right away...There is also an analogous setup for PHP learning...Try it, it's fun! Daniel....that something for YOU!!!
Finally, let me emphasize that
the two blogs are RSS feeds. With a modern browser like Firefox, you may easily bookmark them and
watch any new contributions in your favorite bookmark setup.
The two respective links for you to RSS-bookmark are:
i) General Feedback Blog:
http://www.celestialmatters.org/cm/sand ... lates=blog
ii) Fridger's Column Blog:
http://www.celestialmatters.org/cm/host ... lates=blog
Bye Fridger