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2 Shuttles brings me something odd...

Posted: 05.12.2006, 08:37
by ElecMoHwk
I used the Atlantis model (excellent model!!) and was playing around. I of course don't expect anyone to treat this as a "bug" or something, and I'm definitely not playing in waters I know like the back of my hand. Having said that, I can't seem to find out WHAT I need to play with to get this "error" to go away.

I have Atlantis in orbit, and the camera goes right to it now that I've played with my start.cel file. That works just fine.

I copied the EC_Atlantis_FD directory to a new one called EC_Discovery_FD just to try the idea of getting 2 shuttles in orbit at the same time. Playing with file name references and some numbers in the new Discovery.ssc, I got them to orbit near each other without touching.

Now, the error comes in...

When I back Discovery out from Atlantis a certain distance, and when the camera is zoomed IN... it appears that the visibility is only for objects within a given sphere.

My theories for this are that it is either a) a number I have to tweak in some file to "expand" this visibility sphere, or b) it is a limitation of the extremely crappy DELL I have to play with here at work, which was not meant for 3D use by any means.

Given that I have 7 more hours on my work shift, and no good 3D able computers to play with here, I'm going to have to test theory B tomorrow when I get home.

Does anyone know the reason?
Is there something other than those 2 theories that could explain this?


Posted: 05.12.2006, 08:44
by chris
Which version of Celestia are you using? There are some known problems with clipping in version 1.4.1 that are solved in the recent 1.5.0 prerelease.


Posted: 05.12.2006, 09:04
by ElecMoHwk
Oh sorry, this is 1.4.1
Would 1.5.0pr possibly fix this?

I eventually would like to have 6 shuttles in the shot.

Posted: 05.12.2006, 09:10
by chris
ElecMoHwk wrote:Oh sorry, this is 1.4.1
Would 1.5.0pr possibly fix this?

I eventually would like to have 6 shuttles in the shot.

Yes, it's very likely that 1.5.0 will fix the clipping problem.


Posted: 05.12.2006, 09:22
by ElecMoHwk
Where would I find a copy of 1.5.0pr? Or is it not at all public yet?

Posted: 05.12.2006, 09:23
by chris
ElecMoHwk wrote:Where would I find a copy of 1.5.0pr? Or is it not at all public yet?

Have a look at this forum thread:


Posted: 05.12.2006, 09:34
by ElecMoHwk
After I submitted my last post I thought "Well, I'm sure they'd have mentioned it on *this* forum if it was... duh!!!" ... and I found, and installed the latest CVS precompile.

Problem is still there though :(

Although, I've found another detail of it if it helps. If I look at Atlantis (the higher shuttle) from behind, Discovery (lower shuttle) is totally invisible. If I look at Atlantis from behind Discovery, both are in plain view no matter what the zoom is... far or near. Turning to the side, the bubble of visibility closes in and cuts Discovery in half at about the 90 degree mark.


Posted: 05.12.2006, 09:40
by chris
Strange . . . 1.5.0 uses completely different depth sorting code, so I'm very surprised the problem is still there. Is it possible for you to post the contents of ssc file that you're using?


Posted: 05.12.2006, 09:41
by ElecMoHwk
Even if I move the models closer together and point them in the same direction. Seems the visibility bubble is centered around Atlantis.


Posted: 05.12.2006, 10:16
by ElChristou
Really weird indeed... 8O

Posted: 05.12.2006, 10:36
by chris
Another helpful bit of information would be the graphics card that you are using.


Posted: 05.12.2006, 10:40
by ElecMoHwk
Whatever is built into this DELL machine. It's really not anything special at all. I will try this setup again later on my home machine, one of which has a nVidia 7600 256MB Integrated, the other has a ATI 1600 512MB PCIe. I'll see if that clears it up.

I'm just playing with this here at work killing time.

Thinking of all the cool things I wish I could do with Celestia :P

Posted: 05.12.2006, 10:41
by ElecMoHwk
Elchristou, I assume you got my PM and you don't have anything against me playing with your model a bit for personal entertainment?

Posted: 05.12.2006, 11:46
by ElChristou
ElecMoHwk wrote:Elchristou, I assume you got my PM and you don't have anything against me playing with your model a bit for personal entertainment?

I've just sent you the response!