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finding feature request?

Posted: 12.10.2006, 20:45
by JimHarvie
I thought I saw such a thing and when I learn to "Forum" (Their must be a word for it, Engilsh, like Computer, seems to have a word for everything.
When I find it I will need to find one specifically for Apple so I can ask to speak to Celestia and give it commands (Obviously the command 'make it so' would mean enter)
Then I want to ask someone what it would take to have a kind of -ometer that tells me the time (real time) at current speed and various "sample" speeds of say C, a C year, a c year an hour, a C year a second, A whole lote of C years a second, etc.
I know I can use the time to quickly guess-timate, emphasis on the guess part, but I am rather slow and have been known to remove my shoes to get to a dozen or so.
I would personly like to see a symbol beside the speed that might crash my system, but I probably neen Linux for that.
BTW Linux/'Redtop' users, a piece of trivia about one of the first Redhat guys, Bob now owns a piece of the Ti-Cats Football tem (okay all of it)
and they have gone 2 wins to 14 losses. Oh well, he always has Linux.