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Keyboard Page-up/down control ??

Posted: 04.10.2006, 11:10
by rra
Can anyone tell me what exactly should the keyboard
Page-Up and Page-down controls do (on a windows system).
It isn't mentioned in the help option.
It seems to go back/forward to previous or next selected
items, but it doesn't seem to be consequent doing so.


If this is true , is there a limit to the numbers of places/items it
remembers and is there a possibility to show (list) these places ??

Posted: 04.10.2006, 14:02
by Christophe
PageUp/PageDown allows navigation in the history which is a cel URL stack.

Each time Celestia's context changes (navigation mode, label/render mode, selection, etc...), the current cel URL is pushed on the stack.

The KDE interface makes this web browser metaphor a bit more obvious by providing back/forward buttons with history in the toolbar.
