Page 32 of 50

Posted: 20.04.2021, 19:35
by trappistplanets
john71 wrote:Aurora borealis:
is that ssc or sprite effects?

Posted: 22.04.2021, 07:38
by john71
Jupiter aurora:

Jupiter aurora-1.png
Jupiter aurora-2.png
Jupiter aurora-3.png
Jupiter aurora-4.png

Posted: 26.04.2021, 02:38
by MrSpace43
Neptune and Triton Pic.png

Posted: 28.04.2021, 09:07
by john71
Exoplanet with city:

Exoplanet city-2.png

Posted: 28.04.2021, 10:43
by Art Blos
john71 wrote:Exoplanet with city:
Graphics from 2002 year. Nostalgia. :rambo: :biggrin:

Posted: 28.04.2021, 10:59
by john71
Someone should make a game inside Celestia. That would be so cool.

Or maybe we need a special game language, like using *.cgame files to build game environments on planets or in space...


Posted: 28.04.2021, 19:41
by Georgi
I can not speak about games but building cities and making artificial civilizations on exoplanets sounds fun. :smile:

Posted: 29.04.2021, 13:01
by john71


Added after 28 minutes 19 seconds:
Edited version:

Posted: 29.04.2021, 13:42
by Art Blos
Methone should be placed horizontally in relation to Saturn.

Posted: 29.04.2021, 14:07
by john71
Thanx, bad model orientation I guess...

Posted: 29.04.2021, 14:45
by trappistplanets
john71 wrote:Methone:
look in this thread for my methone texture and a real data methane texture from professional scientists, its way better then what you have, it resembles the photos better

here is methone's proper semiaxes

Code: Select all

SemiAxes   [ 2 1.7 1.2 ]

you need no mesh, that semiaxis will do the whole shape job for you because methone is so smooth

with that semiaxis, one bulge should directly face saturn and the other should point away from saturn

if it doen't with the semiaxis i sent you, just
replace the
orbit and rotation blocks with

Code: Select all

      Epoch      2453177.5   # 2004 Jun 21
      Period      1.00971
      SemiMajorAxis   194251
      Eccentricity   0.001
      Inclination   0.018
      AscendingNode   311.0
      ArgOfPericenter   308.0
      MeanLongitude   154.79

      MeridianAngle   -25.21
      Epoch      2453177.5   # 2004 Jun 21

Added after 1 minute 42 seconds:
the code is from
moons-regular.ssc witch i think is from Celestia Origin

Posted: 29.04.2021, 14:53
by Art Blos
trappistplanets wrote:moons-regular.ssc witch i think is from Celestia Origin
No. Methone's orbit in CO is much more accurate.

Code: Select all

"Methone:Saturn XXXII:S-2004 S 1" "Sol/Saturn"
   Class   "minormoon"
   Texture   ""
   SemiAxes   [ 1.94 1.29 1.21 ]
      EclipticJ2000   { Center "Sol/Saturn" }
      Epoch   2456067.5  # 2012 May 20
      Period   1.009573975
      SemiMajorAxis   194440
      Eccentricity   0.0001
      Inclination   28.060787
      AscendingNode   169.547233
      ArgOfPericenter   346.235329
      MeanAnomaly   16.189134
      Epoch   2453177.5  # 2004 Jun 21
      MeridianAngle   335
   LunarLambert   0.5
   Albedo   0.7
   InfoURL   ""

Posted: 29.04.2021, 15:09
by trappistplanets
Art Blos wrote:No. Methone's orbit in CO is much more accurate.
okay, what about rotation?

Added after 2 minutes 33 seconds:


mimas, tethys, and titan from methone
the 3 worlds.jpg

Posted: 29.04.2021, 15:14
by john71
It IS the photo.

Posted: 29.04.2021, 18:28
by trappistplanets
john71 wrote:It IS the photo.
it doen't look like it to me, methone is not a object with random purple spots+ methone has some featers that look like cracks

Posted: 29.04.2021, 19:30
by john71
trappistplanets wrote:it doen't look like it to me

It is the enhanced and color corrected Cassini image of Methone's leading side taken on 20 May 2012.

Added after 57 seconds:
Yep, the same one. I just enhanced it.

Added after 36 minutes 56 seconds:
That's all the information I can get from the picture:


Posted: 29.04.2021, 21:57
by trappistplanets
john71 wrote:That's all the information I can get from the picture:
i see some very visible albedo features

all that staticness and dotty look that you intergreaded into your texture is just imaging artifact altho i could be wrong...

Added after 26 seconds:
oh yeah, i don't think methone is purple....

Posted: 30.04.2021, 05:54
by john71
From Wikipedia: Methone has two different sharply defined albedo regions, one distinctly (~13%) darker centered on Methone's leading point.[6] Its brighter area has an albedo of ~0.70.[6] UV and IR spectra gave no indication of a color difference between the two regions, suggesting that a physical rather than compositional difference may be responsible.[6]

This indicates that Methone is composed of icy fluff, material that might be mobile enough to explain the lack of craters.[6][12]

The icy fluff is white or blueish in my opinion.

This is not a ready add-on, so I'm just experimenting.

Posted: 21.05.2021, 14:22
by john71
Jupiter new texture:

Jupiter 202105-001.png
Jupiter 202105-002.png
Jupiter 202105-004.png
Jupiter 202105-003.png

Posted: 24.05.2021, 16:22
by bh
Europa Clipper
