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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 21.05.2009, 00:22
by Reiko
eburacum45 wrote:Here's another cylinder, with a large parabolic mirror this time, which I've split up into
separate sections, so that the centre of gravity is nearer the axis.

Both lenses and mirrors can be flattened by dividing them up into concentric
rings in this way.


(note: this one is orbiting a different gas giant)
Nice :D

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 21.05.2009, 11:34
by bdm
eburacum45 wrote:Here's another cylinder, with a large parabolic mirror this time, which I've split up into
separate sections, so that the centre of gravity is nearer the axis.

Both lenses and mirrors can be flattened by dividing them up into concentric
rings in this way.


(note: this one is orbiting a different gas giant)
Instead of two big mirrors, why not have thousands of small ones around the cylinder that direct their light onto fibre-optic cables? Because these cables are flexible, they can take the light to wherever it's needed. The shape of the habitat becomes less important with that kind of design. One could even have such fibre arrays in arrays like solar panels, but instead of generating electricity they pipe the light itself to where it's wanted.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 22.05.2009, 16:12
by eburacum45
Sounds like a good idea; I'll see what I can do.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 24.05.2009, 03:18
by kids711
Interesting and Beautiful Pictures!

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 13.06.2009, 16:38
by PlutonianEmpire
A planet orbiting LBV 1806-20, possibly the most luminous star in the galaxy.


Recent studies indicate it may be a binary star instead of being the most massive, which disappoints me.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 14.06.2009, 18:12
by fungun
Never noticed this before, or knew Celestia could even do this. I made a Star Trek system around Mira. The trouble was the mix up in the shows on nameing their systems. In Star Trek they have been to Mira III and to Mira Antliae V (Dytallix B).
So I made a binary system for Mira (I know it's not scientifically correct, but what in Star Trek travel is?)
Anyway I put Mira Antliae VII so far out from Mira B, that it gets illuminated by both stars. :D

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 24.06.2009, 21:02
by PlutonianEmpire
at least 8 "well-known" stars in the following picture, as seen from a nearby double star system.

Some of you should already know where I am. ;)

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 12.07.2009, 00:22
by Royofsaltfleet
Phyrra System – Diomedes

12th July 3091

Located Close to the Magenta system (20.5 Light years) on the Gulf of Tears (1900 Ly from Sol)
Is the Phyrra System. Composed of 2 Planets, Both SuperJovian, called Midas and Gallonigher.
Midas is the most interesting. It has a co-orbiting pair of moons that together make up over 2 Earth masses of material. Diomedes is an Early earth analogue, that is currently undergoing an “oxygen catastrophe Oceanic bacteria and algae have released so much oxygen into the atmosphere that is beginning to aaccumulate although the gas mix is not breathable by Terran life, it is becoming toxic to the native life and a mass extinction is under way.

Acheron is more of a Mystery. Having a stable advance biosphere composed of Chlorine and Phosphor based life, water is toxic and as such the analogue, phosphor has taken over. Phosphor lakes light the night side with an eerie green and when the world is not shrouded in clouds from one of its frequent planetary storms, the lakes are easily bright enough to be seen from Diomedes in the daytime

The system Falls under the dominion of the Empiret Magenta Hegemony and as such, Acheron's unique resources are being harvested. The Empress has seen fit however to establish a research team on the world to try and minimise the impact of mining

there are suggestions that this world was terraformed within the last 10 million years. Superficial evidence for this is the difference in evolutionary complexity of life between Diomedes and Acheron, it is also supported by the existence of Dendray, the moon of Peripolis (Magenta Home System) a world with no biosphere of its own but a similar chlorine mix in the atmosphere.

Phosphor lakes of Acheron.jpg

Peripolis and Dendray are here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9581&p=112176&hilit=peripolis#p112176

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 09.08.2009, 02:40
by PlutonianEmpire
Belle Hades transplanted into orbit around Alpha Centauri B

Terraformed Moon with Ringed Earth in the background

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 11.08.2009, 15:20
by Spaceman
A tribute to Rassilon :D


Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 12.08.2009, 10:35
by bh
Super Spaceman!... Love Rass's work.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 20.08.2009, 23:02
by Reiko



Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 21.08.2009, 14:13
by Spaceman



Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 22.08.2009, 17:35
by fungun
New Trek stuff :D

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 22.08.2009, 20:17
by Reiko
fungun wrote:New Trek stuff :D
I like the giant hand! :blue:

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 23.08.2009, 16:39
by Reiko
Starbase 375....





Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 28.08.2009, 07:09
by Reiko


Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 29.08.2009, 00:00
by cartrite
Impressive landscape. Nice image too. :D

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 29.08.2009, 23:22
by Reiko
cartrite wrote:Impressive landscape. Nice image too. :D
Thank you much.
I started out altering jestr's alien universe mod and can't seem to get the colors right.

Here is an update,





I could use some advise to improve. :)

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 30.08.2009, 14:31
by bh
Stunning Reiko :blue: ... they look superb to me... maybe a bit more ambient light?