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Posted: 11.05.2006, 23:18
by Paolo
Vincent wrote:In conclusion, ElChristou's idea about creating an "Education" section in the forum seems the most interesting to me. And, Paolo, if you want to go further in your project of forking Celestia, I will be happy to contribute to it as well... :wink:


The idea of leading a fork of Celestia has temped me a lot of times. At present time I'm going to change my job so I'm quite a lot under pressure, and I'll be under pressure fore some months. I don't now. Maybe. In september or in october if the things won't move.
For sure sooner or later I'll start Observer, it will be some kind of fork of a future release of Celestia.

BTW all the necessary frameworks: forums, website, sourceforge project, CVS and SVN repositories, are already fully functional.

Kind regards

Posted: 12.05.2006, 03:18
by dirkpitt
t00fri wrote:
Paolo wrote:I agree with Steffens and El Christou.

IMHO phpBB offers a lot more advantages than the developers mailing list
.... this very "entertaining" community of SEX bots and other Ferkels logging in daily ;-)

The SF dev list is completely void of ads, bots etc.

Actually that's not entirely true (SF mail does seem to have a few spam subscribers of its own :(,
but what is true is this forum can be really slow to load at times and can be somewhat hard to search.

Posted: 12.05.2006, 07:39
by steffens
I don't mind if the discussion takes place in the forum or on the SF dev-list. I can even understand that some ideas are better discussed in private mails. I just like to find some kind of progress information from time to time just to see where the development is going. Maybe I could even help in some way (in addition to providing translations and my dds.gz-Patch).


Posted: 13.05.2006, 21:05
by Vincent
ANDREA wrote:But speaking of spacebar, I found a strange phenomenon, don't know if a bug: if I'm showing e.g. the Earth, rotating in real time, if I press the space bar it stops rotating, but when I press it again, the Earth stands immobile, until I press the -L- key to accelerate it.
Anyone else had the same problem?
Thank you.


I think you're talking about this bug :

Unfortunately, no fix has been released yet.

Posted: 14.05.2006, 00:22
Vincent wrote:
ANDREA wrote:But speaking of spacebar, I found a strange phenomenon, don't know if a bug: if I'm showing e.g. the Earth, rotating in real time, if I press the space bar it stops rotating, but when I press it again, the Earth stands immobile, until I press the -L- key to accelerate it.
Anyone else had the same problem?
Thank you.
Andrea, I think you're talking about this bug :
Unfortunately, no fix has been released yet.

Yes Vincent, it's that.
Sorry, I missed totally this topic, beg your pardon. :oops:
But I see that no one of the programmers gave any information on the matter, alas! :cry:

Andrea :D

Posted: 14.05.2006, 01:38
by t00fri
I certainly don't have this spacebar problem under Linux. I use the latest CVS version (always).

Bye Fridger

Posted: 14.05.2006, 08:01
by Vincent
t00fri wrote:I certainly don't have this spacebar problem under Linux. I use the latest CVS version (always).

Bye Fridger


I also use the latest CVS version (well, when it's available... :wink: ). I'm surpised this bug doesn't concerns Linux users... Did you try the little script I made to show the bug ? It only happens while running a script, when you change the timerate using a script command.

Posted: 14.05.2006, 11:53
by Harry
I can confirm the bug on Linux, not sure why Fridger didn't see it.

The problem is that the CelestiaCore class is managing its own value for "timeScale", which is used for the display. However the scripting (and URL handling) code sets the value directly in the Simulation class, so both values get out of sync. Getting rid of the copy in CelestiaCore is probably the best thing to do...


Posted: 14.05.2006, 12:23
by t00fri
Vincent wrote:
t00fri wrote:I certainly don't have this spacebar problem under Linux. I use the latest CVS version (always).

Bye Fridger

I also use the latest CVS version (well, when it's available... :wink: ). I'm surpised this bug doesn't concerns Linux users... Did you try the little script I made to show the bug ? It only happens while running a script, when you change the timerate using a script command.

Oh that solves the puzzle: I did not run a script. Sorry for overlooking that prerequisite. I actually never run scripts ;-) ...

Bye Fridger

Re: DOWNLOAD Celestia with Sound/ScriptImage/InfoImage/InfoT

Posted: 19.05.2006, 03:00
by mmieczkowski
here is a mac build of the celestia-p2 patch

Vincent wrote:Hi everybody,

Here are the links to download Celestia_1.4.1_patch2 :
* Windows (4.83 Mo): ...
> Just unzip and paste the content of the celestia_win32_1.4.1_patch2 folder into your main Celestia folder. None of your files will be overwritten.
* Modified Source files for compilation (4.28 Mo): ...
> If you want to check the changes in the code, just make a search for 'Victor', 'Boux', 'DoctorJoe', or Vincent'.

You'll find the compilation instructions in the celestia_1.4.1_patch2_readme.txt file.

Posted: 21.05.2006, 02:32
by erasmo
Hello I work celestia at a suse Linux 10.0, even no I do to work the patch. I do the next:

1.- descompress the celestia 1.4.1.tar.gz of the official site.
2.- I do the same with the patch2 folder.
3.- The content of the patch folder I copy and paste at the folder
of the official celestia.

with its the system can't compile.
already i install the alut and openal librarys.

What i do bad?

otherwise ago few days i found a litle program called lmp3, it have owns librarys, work very nice, don't have a graphics interface, but can be useful for play mp3 sound, Vincent can proof.

Now I compare with the tool kompare, an do the change directly to the files. I don't know if this is correct.

For last, where or how I can download the CVS version?

Thanks, I hope do this work tonight. At windows all work very nice.

Re: DOWNLOAD Celestia with Sound/ScriptImage/InfoImage/InfoT

Posted: 21.05.2006, 10:35
by dirkpitt
mmieczkowski wrote:here is a mac build of the celestia-p2 patch

It'd be great if you could post an archive that does not have all the textures and models
(i.e., just the stuff that is different from the official Celestia build) :D

Re: DOWNLOAD Celestia with Sound/ScriptImage/InfoImage/InfoT

Posted: 21.05.2006, 11:56
by Vincent
mmieczkowski wrote:here is a mac build of the celestia-p2 patch
dirkpitt wrote:It'd be great if you could post an archive that does not have all the textures and models
(i.e., just the stuff that is different from the official Celestia build) :D


Thanks for your great work. :D
I've already added a link to your disk image file in my first post. But I agree with Dirkpitt, and I was just about to ask you the same favour. An archive with just the folders/files that have to be added to the 1.4.1 official distribution, as I did for the other OS, would be much more handy...

Re: DOWNLOAD Celestia with Sound/ScriptImage/InfoImage/InfoT

Posted: 21.05.2006, 11:59
by ElChristou
dirkpitt wrote:
mmieczkowski wrote:here is a mac build of the celestia-p2 patch

It'd be great if you could post an archive that does not have all the textures and models
(i.e., just the stuff that is different from the official Celestia build) :D

Yep, for test purpose would be mmmuuucchh practical... :wink:

Posted: 22.05.2006, 15:02
by Vincent
erasmo wrote:Hello I work celestia at a suse Linux 10.0, even no I do to work the patch. I do the next:

1.- descompress the celestia 1.4.1.tar.gz of the official site.
2.- I do the same with the patch2 folder.
3.- The content of the patch folder I copy and paste at the folder
of the official celestia.

with its the system can't compile.
already i install the alut and openal librarys.

What i do bad?

otherwise ago few days i found a litle program called lmp3, it have owns librarys, work very nice, don't have a graphics interface, but can be useful for play mp3 sound, Vincent can proof.

Now I compare with the tool kompare, an do the change directly to the files. I don't know if this is correct.

For last, where or how I can download the CVS version?

Thanks, I hope do this work tonight. At windows all work very nice.


Well, that's already good news that you can enjoy the Win version... :wink:
As for the Linux version, AFAIK, nobody has managed to build it yet... My feeling is that the sound patch and the OpenAL audio library is not that easy to include... Did you use the Linux version of the OpenAL files ? [ ].

I'm sorry not to be able to help you more, but I'm really not a Linux specialist...

You'll find some information about how to download the CVS version here :

I'm going to have a look at lmp3. Thanks Erasmo !

And good luck... :wink:

Re: DOWNLOAD Celestia with Sound/ScriptImage/InfoImage/InfoT

Posted: 22.05.2006, 16:44
by mmieczkowski
Vincent wrote:Hi everybody,
Here's the new Celestia_1.4.1_patch2 release.
This version gathers together the features of :
- Celestia_1.4.1_patch > info:
- Celestia_overlay_5 version > info:

building this patch on the mac is real simple with some tiny changes:
1. download a clean copy of the celestia 1.4.1 source
2. copy the patch files into the celestia 1.4.1 directory; but do not replace any of the folders! copy the contents of the folders in the patch to the matching folder in the 1.4.1 release. if there are sub-folders in the patch, open the subfolders and copy the contents to the matching subfolder in the 1.4.1 source. Some folders have no counterparts so just move those over.
3. install the OpenAL framwork.

from here, you can download another patch to fix the mac build from here. ...

and apply it to vincent's patch2 and follow the directions in the readme. (just replace the celestia.xcodeproj file and the celestiacore.h/.cpp files and you should be good to go.)

otherwise if you're using an older version of xcode you can follow along with these steps.

Vincent, I #ifdefed the code so that you can incorporate the changes to your patch.

4. Add the OpenAL framework to the celestia.xcodeproj
to do that A. select Frameworks->Linked Frameworks in the file list.
right click/or control click for you one button mouse users
select Add->Existing Frameworks.... and then navigate to /Library/Frameworks/ and select the OpenAL framework from that directory
5. open the file celestiacore.h, change lines 35 & 36 from

#include <Al/al.h>
#include <Al/alut.h>


#ifndef MACOSX
#include <Al/al.h>
#include <Al/alut.h>
#include <OpenAL/al.h>
#include <OpenAL/alut.h>

6. now open the celestiacore.cpp file and goto line 4548.




#ifndef MACOSX
ALboolean lp;

delete[\b] line [b]4545 (it's part of the ifdef now in case Vincent wants to add this change to his patch.)

Posted: 22.05.2006, 17:10
by Vincent
Thanks Mark, that's really great ! :D
I will include your changes in my modified source files.

Well, Celestia_patch2 is nearly a cross-platform release now... We're just waiting for interested Linux coders... :wink:

Posted: 23.05.2006, 16:25
by Vincent
I have added Mark's changes for the Mac build to the compilation pack. The updated is available on my first post.

Posted: 26.05.2006, 00:04
by erasmo
Hello Vincent

I am work with the sound patch at linux, the overlay images, yes work perfectly at linux
with the part of sound even i work, of the two erros wich i have, only i have one. i hope finished for the next sunday. when i end, do a new report.

Posted: 28.05.2006, 20:30
by DonAVP

Here are screen grabs of the comet image with the patch and without the patch. The patch comet is shallow and dish like, not at all like a comet. The unpatched comet looks natural. I am using an older 32Meg Quatro2 NVidia chip. Is this how you see the comets?


Image Image