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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 13.10.2008, 07:21
by Danial
I created these 2 pics from screenshots taken in Celestia and then modified in Photoshop CS3.

They show the ascending and decending nodes (marked by white lines) of the orbits, with the lower part shown in purple and the higher in blue (not sure of the technical terms for those). I've also shown each planet's perihelion (green dot) and aphelion (red dot). The planetary positions are at 1 Jan, 2009, 00:00UT

Inner Planet Orbits.jpg
Outer Planet Orbits.jpg

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 13.10.2008, 13:00
by Cham
This is a good idea. Could be usefull if hard coded, with labels...

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 14.10.2008, 02:59
by Danial
Cham wrote:This is a good idea. Could be usefull if hard coded, with labels...
I was thinking the same thing when creating the pics. It would be good to see the points in 3D space.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 14.10.2008, 03:04
by Cham
Maybe you should build some simple CMOD files, properly placed in space, to show the marks ? This would be a good (simple) project to learn addon creation.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 14.10.2008, 08:19
by Danial
I don't even know what a CMOD file is, so I think I'll leave it up to anyone else interested :P

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 19.10.2008, 23:40
by ajtribick
Mockup of a planet orbiting the eclipsing binary CM Draconis (GJ 630.1A). The CM Draconis binary has a slight eccentricity which might be caused by a large gas giant or small brown dwarf in the 50-200 day period range (see here for details). I'm planning to do a render of this configuration in POV-Ray at some stage, this mockup is to try and get a feel for the view, so I've used Saturn's rings and the class II EGP texture.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 24.10.2008, 01:21
by Reiko
I took the USS Valley Forge from fungun's spacedock mod out for a spin. :D


Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 27.10.2008, 03:56
by Reiko
Same spacecraft as above but now with lights. :)



Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 02.11.2008, 05:55
by Reiko
The Swan of the fleet...


Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 08.11.2008, 07:04
by Reiko
This is what Celestia can do, take the realism and blend it with science fiction.


It looks better than the VFX of the movies. :)

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 12.11.2008, 06:05
by Reiko
Fungun's space dock with lighting added.





Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 17.11.2008, 23:36
by Reiko
My first gas giant texture following bdm's tutorial. :)


Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 20.11.2008, 08:12
by Reiko


Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 22.11.2008, 18:36
by PlutonianEmpire
I made a celestia picture, then made it into a "demotivator". :mrgreen:


(If you don't get the joke, it's poking fun at the side effect of the methods I used to modify the cloud map. You can see the twin suns of Delta Trianguli through the clouds at Styx.)

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 24.11.2008, 01:36
by fungun
Heading for Wolf 359

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 30.11.2008, 17:20
by eburacum45
This is a comparison between the planet HAT-P-1b and Jupiter; HAT-P-1b is actually less massive than Jupiter, if the data is correct, but it is much wider because it has expanded due to its high temperature.
I've used this image on this page in Orion's Arm; ... c024c555ef
note; the name Behemoth used on that page is an in-scenario OA name, not an official astronomical name.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 30.11.2008, 19:31
by ajtribick
Hmmm... I really need to revise the hot Jupiter textures at some point, since the system that it's currently based on isn't holding up too well against observations.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 30.11.2008, 23:48
by Reiko
Far beyond the galaxy...


Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 01.12.2008, 01:06
by PlutonianEmpire
I'm sorry to spoil the party, but I REALLY do NOT want to see another whole page of trek addons...

A new texture, and a new cloud map for Belle Hades.


A new night map for Belle Hades. The clouds are turned off and you can see Lethe's silhouette in the upper right.


Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 01.12.2008, 16:10
by bh

The Rosetta nebula with star cluster, there are plenty of planetary systems here... one of my favourite places to visit.