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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 06.09.2008, 13:28
by Vincent
ajtribick wrote:I created a slight modification to the default cloudmap so it now accurately reflects the weather over the British Isles at any given time in the summers of 2007 and 2008.

May I add my own contribution to your very realistic cloudmap so that it reflects the weather over the North of France during same periods? I think we could even add the summer of 2006, couldn't we?
(I know that clouds don't look that grey, but anyway... :( )

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 06.09.2008, 14:14
by ajtribick
In fact, it is clear from where I am sitting that the model of the universe that Celestia depicts is wrong in almost every detail.

From my own observations I have come up with a new model of the universe which dispenses with such unlikely phenomena as nuclear fusion, black holes and forces which can act over millions of km without any detectable connection between objects.

Here is a diagram of the new cosmology which fits all possible observations perfectly: ... y-97158549

I am sure that the next version of Celestia will be updated to reflect this important development in science which brings new understanding of the state of our universe and exposes Newton, Einstein and co. as the frauds they were.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 06.09.2008, 16:08
by ElChristou
ajtribick wrote:Here is a diagram of the new cosmology which fits all possible observations perfectly...

Re LOL! :lol:

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 06.09.2008, 19:28
by bh
Summer? lol.. :lol:

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 06.09.2008, 23:09
by Royofsaltfleet
December 29th 2639

Discovery is an unusual world and a scientific hive. The planet is a very early phase in its evolution and considering that Arcturus has been through the main sequence and become a red giant. The current hypothesis is that when the Arcturus system first formed Discovery developed primitive life, but Arcturus cooled and became a main sequence star, stranding Discovery in the equivalent of the Saturn belt. This dropped the planet into deep freeze effectively putting the evolution into suspended animation. For 7 billion years the planet lay dormant until Arcturus became a red giant star and expanded bringing Discovery back into the stars comfort zone. Obviously due to the now K spectrum light there would’ve been a massive extinction event. But some life prevailed to evolve. Core sample evidence from a small moon further out in the system co responds to data found on discovery that a massive extinction event occurred twice. Once when the planet was revived into K spectrum light and again when Arcturus underwent the Helium flash, an intense brightening due to the nuclear ignition of helium deep within the stellar core. This caused a massive increase in luminosity and probably killed most surface based life. Though the atmosphere is primitive and un-breathable mostly Carbon dioxide, ammonia and methane, life has begun to evolve onto the land. The brief period will be short lived though, Arcturus is undergoing tremendous internal changes and is expected to go nova in as little as 1000 years. This means that if the radiation pulse doesn’t kill the life, then Arcturus’s transformation into a white dwarf will drop the planet into another ice age, this time permanent.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 08.09.2008, 11:30
by eburacum45
I quite like this image, illustrating two of Jupiter's moons against a backdrop of the Jovian clouds ... 2fa17952e0
I based it on this image ... upiter.jpg
which some of you might recognise as the image used on the cover of Iain Bank's novel The Algebraist

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 23.09.2008, 17:42
by ajtribick
Delaunay triangulation of the Hipparcos catalogue (why? who knows). Slows Celestia down, let me tell you that..

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 23.09.2008, 17:52
by Cham

looks cool.

Please, can you give us the cmod file which shows this ?

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 23.09.2008, 18:18
by chris
ajtribick wrote:Delaunay triangulation of the Hipparcos catalogue (why? who knows). Slows Celestia down, let me tell you that..

Neato. How many line segments in that monster?


Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 23.09.2008, 18:33
by ElChristou
ajtribick wrote:Delaunay triangulation of the Hipparcos catalogue (why? who knows). Slows Celestia down, let me tell you that..

Ouch! how this suff works? Each star is linked to the closest one in all directions?

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 23.09.2008, 18:53
by ajtribick
Slight correction to my earlier post: to be slightly more specific, it is a Delaunay triangulation of ALL stars in the default Celestia distribution: .stc files are also parsed as well as stars.dat, however objects which orbit barycenters are excluded (though the top-level barycenters themselves are included).

Cham wrote:Please, can you give us the cmod file which shows this ?
I could, but it saves on bandwidth if I just give you the Perl scripts (you will also need to install qhull) and the .dsc. Instructions in the README file. :)

Also, the version shown in the images was generated using the latest revision of stars.dat which I uploaded to the SVN earlier today: you will be able to generate it using the old version however.

chris wrote:Neato. How many line segments in that monster?
878262. And I haven't tried to be clever about representing them as linestrips, because I didn't need to. ;)

ElChristou wrote:Ouch! how this suff works? Each star is linked to the closest one in all directions?
Much as I hate to refer to Wikipedia for explanations, the most accessible explanation I've found in my admittedly brief glance at the Google results for what a Delaunay triangulation is can be found here.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 25.09.2008, 04:55
by cartrite
I thought I'd post this here. I liked the lighting.



Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 25.09.2008, 21:01
by eburacum45
A youtube video of a single-stage-to-orbit scramjet Waverider spaceship I've just made

This is based on the British HOTOL concept
crossed with a waverider

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 27.09.2008, 11:25
by Spaceman
Very nice spaceship eburacum, great job :D

3 new images from the Sky River Project :wink:



I hope that you like them :D

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 29.09.2008, 21:43
by Reiko
Tomorrow is Yesterday



Constitution class starship can be found in Jestr's Romulus and Remus addon. :)

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 30.09.2008, 08:16
by Danial
fsgregs wrote:I found this stunning view of Jupiter and Io, while doing some new updates for my educational activities. You get the beauty of Jupiter, erupting volcanoes on Io, a total solar eclipse and the Milky Way all in one shot. :)

How do you get all the controls up on the right-hand side of the screen? I don't have them on mine.

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 30.09.2008, 11:31
by selden
Danial wrote:How do you get all the controls up on the right-hand side of the screen? I don't have them on mine.

install Lua Edu Tools into your copy of Celestia ... 11&t=12048

install Celestia151-ED ... tional.php

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 02.10.2008, 18:40
by Royofsaltfleet
41 Arae A
16th August 2966
Arthur is a huge Pelagic Ocean world covered in 300km of water, and a massive smothering atmosphere of Carbon Dioxide, Water and Oxygen
Dispite diving to the ocean Floor in Hyperdiamond reenforced submersibles, no trace of live has ever been found.

Avalon, the living moon of the Ocean World Arthur, swinging round Arthur in 11 days.
this world is largly pristine, having not been surveyed until the mid 30th century

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 09.10.2008, 07:00
by Spaceman
A new beautiful image from the Sky River Project :D

Dedicate to all the Celestia users and creators :D

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Posted: 09.10.2008, 21:51
by John Van Vliet

