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Posted: 19.07.2006, 11:50
by selden
It seems to work fine on my system: windows w/GF 6600GT.

Posted: 19.07.2006, 12:24
by Johaen
I was going to mention the fact that it seems to have a sparkly look to the dark side of the telescope, but it seems that all the models do that. It's probably because there's no self shadowing. If I remember right, that's supposed to be fixed in the next update, and then it will look even better. Other than that, in your pics, the solor panels are a light brownish color, but in Celestia they are very dark, almost black, even in sunlight. Even then it's still 1000 times better looking then the original. I'd post a pic of what I'm seeing, but photobucket is being finicky. :roll:

I'm getting about 10 fps on the crappy PC in my sig, which is about what's expected, and tolerable. :wink:

Posted: 19.07.2006, 15:35
by Chuft-Captain
Here's a pic of it on my system,

Celestia 1.4.1
Laptop w/ crappy shared memory graphics (Mobility U1)
Render -> Ambient Light = Low


Posted: 19.07.2006, 16:32
by ElChristou
Hi guys,

Sorry to be late on this, was off line for work issue...

Nice job Cham, I'm pleased Chris react to your proposition!

A few months I made a revision of some of the "official models" correcting the normals, optimizing the meshes, and... another HST based on Terrier's one (336 ko in 3DS, 924 in Cmod), all this was proposed on the dev list but receive no attention... :?

chris wrote:Cham,

You're absolutely right that it's time for a new HST model. The only other one that I know is the... ...Do you know of an alternate model that we could use?

8O :? :evil:

Posted: 20.07.2006, 02:12
by Cham

I've just updated the FINAL HST model (link repeated here) :

The 3ds file is smaller (468 KB), and yet the model has more details (thanks to ElChristou). Here's a picture of that final model :


Compare this with the original official model as shown on page 1 !!! This is a true MAJOR quantum leap from the actual official version !

EDIT : The linked file also include the CMOD version (676 KB).

Posted: 20.07.2006, 20:50
by Cham
Peeps, check out the latest version (Final version) from the link above (previous post).