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General discussion about Celestia that doesn't fit into other forums.
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Post #21by don » 05.12.2003, 01:35

t00fri wrote:Chris so far had a very good hand in inviting a limited and well selected number of people with specific, complementary strengths to actively participate in the Celestia development...

I did not realize that Chris hand-picked (invited) Celestia developers into the project. As a matter of fact, I know that at least THREE people currently contributing to Celestia were not "invited" by Chris, but were astounded by Celestia itself and OFFERED their services to Chris and Celestia of their own accord.

I really don't want to argue with you Fridger, as you seem quite close-minded in respect to Celestia development -- your way is the best (the way it's always been with Celestia) and that's that. That is your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it. My opinion is different.

So, let's just agree to disagree, okay <smile>?

If CHRIS decides he doesn't want any more developers, I'm sure he will post a message saying so, don't you think? He's an educated adult and quite capable of making his own decisions <smile>.

-Don G.

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Post #22by t00fri » 05.12.2003, 08:52

don wrote:
t00fri wrote:Chris so far had a very good hand in inviting a limited and well selected number of people with specific, complementary strengths to actively participate in the Celestia development...
I did not realize that Chris hand-picked (invited) Celestia developers into the project. As a matter of fact, I know that at least THREE people currently contributing to Celestia were not "invited" by Chris, but were astounded by Celestia itself and OFFERED their services to Chris and Celestia of their own accord.

I really don't want to argue with you Fridger, as you seem quite close-minded in respect to Celestia development -- your way is the best (the way it's always been with Celestia) and that's that. That is your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it. My opinion is different.

So, let's just agree to disagree, okay <smile>?

If CHRIS decides he doesn't want any more developers, I'm sure he will post a message saying so, don't you think? He's an educated adult and quite capable of making his own decisions <smile>.

-Don G.

Sorry, but I do not see that my above statement did imply a disagreement with what you replied. Was there perhaps something incorrect with my English??
Did you perhaps misinterpret the attribute 'limited' that I was using above??

[To avoid further misunderstandings, I was talking about people that have CVS write access, of course not about any other contributors to Celestia.]

My statement certainly did not imply that Chris would not want to invite any further developers!

I do remember a number of people who have requested write permission (via the developer mail or the forum), but never got it...My statement was also not meant to contradict the situation where people offered their 'services' and were invited thereafter...

In all these cases they were 'invited' (hand-picked) by Chris after all, be it on his or their own initiative. I thought I had carefully formulated my statement that none of these possibilities was logically excluded!
And Chris did not contradict my formulation above either...

Certainly, I have nothing against more contributors/developers. But I do not think that 'mass developing' of Celestia with > 20, 30 people, all having write access would be a sensible approach for reasons I outlined above.

And note: I am always referring to Celestia 'core' development, where naturally a certain math/(astro)physics background is required. To me it does not make a lot of sense that people get involved there, who have e.g. never heard of how to use quaternions for representing 3d rotations or do not know the laws of celestial mechanics...

GUI development may well be different, and I have much less definite opinions (and personal experience) there.

On the other hand, I have always been involved with teamwork throughout my professional life. An important lesson I have learned is that there is a definite upper limit to the team size for reasons of efficiency! Of course, then one might start contemplating about forming 'team hierarchies', introduce "communication managers", "dispatchers", "majors", or what not;-)). I admit that perspective is NOT for me...

But as you correctly point out, this is Chris' decision and just my opinion.

Bye Fridger
Last edited by t00fri on 05.12.2003, 18:35, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #23by don » 05.12.2003, 10:52

Howdy Fridger,

My initial statement was:
don wrote:Have fun with perl! Since you're good at it, maybe you would like to help Christophe with the server-side development of the Celestia Add-On Manager / Repository code (see http://ennui.shatters.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3808)? He already has a couple of pages up and running for testing.
In a later message, I wrote:
don wrote:The Add-On Manager / Repository project is a good way for lots of folks to get involved with Celestia development, if they want to, because it's not just C++ and math. It's HTML, CSS, web page design, graphic artistry, perl, MySQL and lots of other stuff.

But, with all the fuss being made over this, I can see why more people do not get involved. :(

8O So, I'm not sure where you got the wild and crazy idea that 20 or 30 people would all of a sudden become Celestia "core" developers. I doubt that will ever happen.

Fridger, why do you think trying to get more Celestia users involved in the Celestia project is a bad thing, even if they don't write a single line of C++ code and never touch the CVS files? This simply does not make any sense to me.

-Don G.

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Post #24by t00fri » 05.12.2003, 11:41

Christophe wrote:...
chris wrote:Yes! I'm a Celestia developer, and occasionally am still too lazy to install an interesting-looking add-on, because I know that I'll almost certainly have to tweak the directory structure, if not the files themselves.

Ah! So I'm not the only one frustrated by it!


since you justified above, why you work on the Add-On Repository, let me make a few comments, too, about why I dislike such 'standardizing GUI structures'.

Before I am misinterpreted again, let me point out that these are strictly personal arguments that apply to me but probably NOT to many others:

-- Unlike Chris;-) and being 'born' as a UNIX person;-), I am NEVER too lazy to change directory or file names on the fly ( < 1 sec work)...The crucial point is that I usually enjoy to experiment with different ideas/possibilities for improvement, while implementing e.g. an Add-On.

-- computerized, interfaces have the disadvantage for me that they impose standardizations that tend to make me stop thinking about improvements!

One click...and AAAAh it works!

Few examples from the past:

--The 'standardization' of tiles to 512x512 has been strongly advocated. Meanwhile I and others found out that this is often far from optimal! Analogous comments apply to the 'standardization' of texture & normalmap formats...

The mere existence of a 'standardizing' Repository will clearly induce prejudices among the contributors for using certain format/size standards from the start! No further questioning anymore...

--by experimenting with solarsys.ssc (and knowing the code), I found out long ago, that unlike bumpmaps, normalmaps (that we are all using since) can be read in compressed DXT format by just writing BumpHeight 0.0. Chris later added a separate NormalMap interface in solarsys.ssc...

--Some tile textures I might want to install as Alternative Texture, others with my own personal directory structure/hierarchy. Standardizing Repositories would not save work for me but rather increase it, in a fair number of cases at least;-)

-- after using the Repository for a while, I would start forgetting how everything really works.
I hate this!;-)

Now you can jump on me again, repeat the arguments what a useful service a repository is for those "who just like to watch the show" etc. I know, I know...;-)

Bye Fridger

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Post #25by t00fri » 05.12.2003, 15:38

don wrote:...
8O So, I'm not sure where you got the wild and crazy idea that 20 or 30 people would all of a sudden become Celestia "core" developers. I doubt that will ever happen.
I am sorry if I misinterpreted your thread of this summer:


as a call for "mass-developing" Celestia.

It started like so:
don wrote:Greetings to all Celestia users,

If Celestia has been downloaded by hundreds of thousands of people (or 2 million as Frank says in his User Manual), then why are there only a handful of active posters in the
forums (mostly add-on and texture creators), and even fewer people willing to offer their programming experience?

I would *really* like to hear from the people who have downloaded Celestia and know C++, as to why they don't want to help with it's coding. If we don't know "why", then we can't fix "why", and Celestia will never get more programmers.

don wrote:Fridger, why do you think trying to get more Celestia users involved in the Celestia project is a bad thing, even if they don't write a single line of C++ code and never touch the CVS files? This simply does not make any sense to me.

-Don G.

Please, help me and show me where I wrote statements like "I am against involving more users into the Celestia project"? My English must be really horrible, since you repeatedly seem to imply things that I never intended to write;-)). I have no other 'decent' explanation, except perhaps: Are you sure, you read my mails carefully?

I am only concerned about Celestia "core" development, which does involve C++ ...and quite a bit more. Server-side Add-On GUI's are not of my concern. You can mobilize 100+ volunteers for that and I am perfectly happy. I am simply not interested. I would be concerned about client-side issues, though.

Actually, I had written here a more detailed answer, but then I was busy for hours. When I wanted to send the thing off later, it had timed out and I lost everything...

I guess, we leave things at that...
since our discussion does not seem to make much progress anyhow.

Bye Fridger

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Post #26by don » 05.12.2003, 19:20

Howdy Fridger,

I am very sorry if I have mis-interpreted your words or thoughts in any way. The written word is not always the most effective means of communication. :(

My topic from this summer was an attempt to find out why more folks have not become involved with the Celestia project. As Chris mentioned earlier in this topic, he likes to code graphics and math. I'm sure Christophe has his favorite(s) kind of coding too (Linux UIs?), along with other folks.

So ... why not have a person who loves designing and writing code for Windows user interfaces, and one who enjoys writing video capture code (photos and video), scripting code, bug trackers/fixers, etc.?

If a few (no, not 20 or 30) folks like this came into the Celestia project, I'm sure Chris would gladly exchange the time he spends writing code he does not like to write, for checking code that other people are writing for him. :D

Celestia has become a large and complex project (nearly 1200 files!) that certainly has room for several more Developers (people who write C++ code), who enjoy coding various sections of modern programs, as well as room for more Contributors (people who do everything but write C++ code).

Some of the "sections" of code that the Celestia project includes are:

Code: Select all

* User interfaces (Menubar and options, dialog boxes, etc.)
  - Windows (Chris)
  - Linux (Christophe)
  - Mac (Hank)

* Scripting
  - .cel
  - .celx/Lua (Harald)

* Celestial mechanics (core code - Chris)

* Graphics (Chris' specialty)

* Other OpenGL code sections (Chris)
  - Display of on-screen text

* File I/O

* Image and video capture

* Platform-specific stuff like multi-processor support

* Add-on Manager / Repository (C++, perl, HTML, CSS, graphics, etc.)

In addition to "coding", the Celestia project, the administrative functions of this project are just as time-consuming, if not much more:

Code: Select all

* Maintain Celestia web site
* Maintain Celestia forums - admin and software
* Maintain SourceForge web pages
* Create and maintain documentation
  - User Manual (Frank G.)
  - CEL Scripting Manual (Don G.)
  - CELX/Lua Scripting Manual
* Collect, verify and track bug reports
* Collect and track enhancement requests
* Maintain To-Do list and prioritization
* Analysis and Design of new code sections
* Create new textures (Many)
* Create new objects (Many)
* Collect and track add-on information (Selden)
* Many more things

In both of these lists, where there is no name present, you can fill it in with "Chris". Chris is only one person. And as much as he might want to, he simply cannot do it all. Thus, my inquiries into why more folks have not become involved in the Celestia project. Along with my continued attempts to encourage folks to become part of the project (both developers and contributors). There are lots of things that people can help-out with, as listed above, and many that have nothing to do with programming a single line of code. :)

I hope this helps to explain why I have started the topics I have, and why I am all for having more people get involved with the Celestia project.

-Don G.

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Post #27by t00fri » 05.12.2003, 21:13

don wrote:Howdy Fridger,
Some of the "sections" of code that the Celestia project includes are:

Code: Select all

* User interfaces (Menubar and options, dialog boxes, etc.)
  - Windows (Chris)
  - Linux (Christophe)
  - Mac (Hank)

* Scripting
  - .cel
  - .celx/Lua (Harald)

* Celestial mechanics (core code - Chris)

* Graphics (Chris' specialty)

* Other OpenGL code sections (Chris)
  - Display of on-screen text

* File I/O

* Image and video capture

* Platform-specific stuff like multi-processor support

* Add-on Manager / Repository (C++, perl, HTML, CSS, graphics, etc.)

In addition to "coding", the Celestia project, the administrative functions of this project are just as time-consuming, if not much more:

Code: Select all

* Maintain Celestia web site
* Maintain Celestia forums - admin and software
* Maintain SourceForge web pages
* Create and maintain documentation
  - User Manual (Frank G.)
  - CEL Scripting Manual (Don G.)
  - CELX/Lua Scripting Manual
* Collect, verify and track bug reports
* Collect and track enhancement requests
* Maintain To-Do list and prioritization
* Analysis and Design of new code sections
* Create new textures (Many)
* Create new objects (Many)
* Collect and track add-on information (Selden)
* Many more things

In both of these lists, where there is no name present, you can fill it in with "Chris". Chris is only one person. And as much as he might want to, he simply cannot do it all. Thus, my inquiries into why more folks have not become involved in the Celestia project. Along with my continued attempts to encourage folks to become part of the project (both developers and contributors). There are lots of things that people can help-out with, as listed above, and many that have nothing to do with programming a single line of code. :)

I hope this helps to explain why I have started the topics I have, and why I am all for having more people get involved with the Celestia project.

-Don G.


before you produce such superficial lists associating people with
coding and other activities within the "Celestia project", I would really ask you to do a more
thorough research first, or better -- leave your hands off. A number of developers (Clint Weisbrod, Bob Ippolito and myself) have made major code contributions to the
Celestia project. None of them appears anywhere on your list
although they appear as authors officially, which must have a reason

You are a relatively recent non-programming member here and thus,
perhaps, not really predestined to judge what sections of
code the "Celestia project" includes! Of course, you could have found
out by going further backwards in time in the checkin logs...

As a reminder, here are some (Forum) entry dates ( that are relatively close to the dates
of entry into developing for Christophe and myself):

Jan 28 2002 Chris
Mar 29 2002 Fridger
Jul 18 2002 Christophe
Jul 13 2003 Don

Clint Weisbrod wrote substantial parts of the initial Windows GUI etc
and is still contributing also more recently. Bob Ippolito has done a
vast amount of coding to get the MAC port to work before Hank
was in. This was really a heroic effort that did not deserve being
completely ignored by you!

Well, to name some of my contributions to code development: rewrite of
a large part of the initial gtk-Linux GUI code (Deon Ramsey) to make
it really work including GUI updates, the mouse FOV-zoom with restore
function (middle key), creation/implementation of the Automag scheme,
high efficiency culling for galaxies, complete rewrite of the small
FOV selection code to make it work, "looking back" function,
creation/implementation of light-time delay scheme, creation of the
asterisms ...

After we had switched to KDE-Linux (that became Christophe's domain), my
contributions to the Linux port were mostly in collaboration with
Christophe in the way he described previously.

Unfortunately, as of last fall, my (new) professional responsabilities
have taken away most of the "coherent spare-time slots" (including
weekends) that are simply needed for generating and debugging good
code. What remains (often late at night), is just OK for hacking Perl
scripts, some texture development or writing "abrasive posts" in the forum;-).
But I still hope to be able to contribute to coding again in the future...

You have also ignored some of Christophes outstanding contributions,
not related to Linux in the first place! Like the creation of the
ingenious cel://urls and the "multiview" code!

Also I find it close to 'impossible' to simply ignore Grant Hutchisons most extensive, invaluable contributions to Celestia's precision performance in your second list for example!

So, altogether, I suggest you leave this sort of logging of "Celestia
project" activities to others who can really judge...

Bye Fridger

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Post #28by don » 06.12.2003, 00:19

Fridger, give it a break. Your BS is overwhelming me.

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Post #29by don » 06.12.2003, 00:27

I could go into yet another hour-long, very detailed message, but why bother? It seems that all you want to do is argue, instead of understand what I've written and why I've written it. I don't care to argue. I have better things to do.

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Post #30by t00fri » 06.12.2003, 00:53

don wrote:I could go into yet another hour-long, very detailed message, but why bother? It seems that all you want to do is argue, instead of understand what I've written and why I've written it. I don't care to argue. I have better things to do.

It was me who suggested first above, to leave things at rest, since we were not progressing in the discussion. I was just answering your questions, not arguing at all. Just get back and have a look.

Instead you felt you had to come up with these "activity logs" of the "Celestia project"...Why do you send me these lists in the first place?. You should be aware that I know at least as well as you do who is and has been involved in what activity.

Bye Fridger


Post #31by Guest » 06.12.2003, 01:14

There's no comeback from well thought out structured arguments.

Fridger, give it a break. Your BS is overwhelming me.

Explitive's:- the call of a beaten man

Fridgers back - All Hail the Don Slayer ( thats two now i do believe )

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Post #32by JackHiggins » 06.12.2003, 01:24

Hope nobody minds if I step in here...

Lads- calm down a second! 8O We've had bust-ups between forum members before, and i'm sure no-one wants another one. You don't have to take everything so seriously!
Why are you involved with the Celestia project? Because you enjoy it. It's only a hobby, it's not as though your life depends on it (well... :) )

I'm sure everything here can be sorted out without somebody losing an eye or something...

You don't have to listen if you don't want, but the last time this kind of thing happened, I ignored it until it got out of hand, and I'm not going to stand idly by this time too...
- Jack Higgins
Jack's Celestia Add-ons
And visit my Celestia Gallery too!

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Post #33by don » 06.12.2003, 01:25

t00fri wrote:Instead you felt you had to come up with these "activity logs" of the "Celestia project"...Why do you send me these lists in the first place?.

First, I don't see any "activity logs".

Second, I didn't send any lists to you, I posted them in the message above, on this forum topic, that many other people read besides you.

Third, it was obviously a simple list, and not an all-encompassing list of every person and every contribution they ever made to Celestia. Sure, there are many people's names listed in the "Authors" list, but no mention of what they have contributed or what their current status is. Maybe you should fix that so we all know the details?

Fourth, to set the record straight about me, I don't know where you got the idea that I am a "non-programmer". I spent 25 years of my career as a programmer, along with hardware operations, analysis and design, management, and many other tasks. Oh, and I ran my own small software development tool and database consulting company too. Also co-wrote a couple of 1,500 page books for QUE/Macmillan on the Paradox for Windows database, as well as hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles. So get off my case already. 8O

Fridger, if you don't want to help Christophe with any perl code (which was my initial question to you) that's fine. You don't need to go through all of this to say that!

-Don G.

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Post #34by don » 06.12.2003, 01:33

Anonymous wrote:There's no comeback from well thought out structured arguments.

Fridger, give it a break. Your BS is overwhelming me.

Explitive's:- the call of a beaten man

Fridgers back - All Hail the Don Slayer ( thats two now i do believe )

Don Slayer?

What, are you some kind of devil worshiper or something?

Your comments make me sick to my stomach. Too bad you had to hide yourself in some dark corner by signing-off in order to write them. What a joke.

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Post #35by t00fri » 06.12.2003, 01:34

don wrote:
t00fri wrote:Instead you felt you had to come up with these "activity logs" of the "Celestia project"...Why do you send me these lists in the first place?.
First, I don't see any "activity logs".

You know what I mean.

don wrote:Second, I didn't send any lists to you, I posted them in the message above, on this forum topic, that many other people read besides you.

Precisely, and that was what upset me. Such things then better be correct/complete...

don wrote:Third, it was obviously a simple list, and not an all-encompassing list of every person and every contribution they ever made to Celestia. Sure, there are many people's names listed in the "Authors" list, but no mention of what they have contributed or what their current status is. Maybe you should fix that so we all know the details?

Before you came along to "sort things out inadequately", we never had any need to fix the details.

The Authors list consists of:

Chris Laurel <claurel@www.shatters.net>
Clint Weisbrod <cweisbrod@adelphia.net>
Fridger Schrempp <t00fri@mail.desy.de>
Bob Ippolito <bob@redivi.com>
Christophe Teyssier <chris@teyssier.org>

Are these "inumerably many people"?

don wrote:Fourth, to set the record straight about me, I don't know where you got the idea that I am a "non-programmer".

Please again, I ask you to read my mail correctly first! I wrote

"non-programming member here"

We were not talking about your former private/professional life. Neither about mine. At least as to Celestia, you are "non-programming" as far as I know, and that was what was important for my argument.

In Sourceforge for example, you are listed as "Support Manager" not as "Developer".

And now: Let us please end this unpleasant discussion!

Bye Fridger

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Post #36by don » 06.12.2003, 03:17

Fridger, I am a reasonable man, except when someone continually avoids my simple and direct questions and runs off on other tangents that have nothing to do with the topic of discussion, twisting and turning things around so that no sensible person can make any sense of the direction. Let alone when they attack me personally. That is going too far.

No, I am not currently a C++ "Developer" on this project. I have submitted only one patch to Chris thus far. In your eyes, I suppose that writing scripts is not considered to be programming. No, I do not consider myself to be a "non-programming" member. Rather, I am not a "Developer". In my vocabulary, that is a big difference. Sorry if this is confusing.

The last time I looked at the authors list, it was longer AND as I stated, included NO information about their contributions except for names. So, I guess I should be sorry for this?

I had no idea I was listed anywhere on SF. You're the first person to mention it. Is this what's got your feathers ruffled? That someone you don't like is now part of the project without your approval? My name doesn't need to be listed anywhere if that bothers you. I could care less.

Fridger, it's your MANY snide comments like the following ...
Fridger wrote:Before you came along to "sort things out inadequately", we never had any need to fix the details.
to MANY people here in the forums (which now includes me) that I have read during my 8 months here that really pisses me off. There is NO NEED for this! It is nothing but grade-school childness. You do not make snide remarks like this about a person and then say, "let's end this discussion."

I am TRYING to ENcourage folks to join the Celestia project, to your obvious total dismay, while you are trying your darndest to DIScourage them, as proven by your past posts. We are obviously at opposite ends of the spectrum on this topic and I had HOPED there was a middle ground where we could meet and work together, but you seem to be quite inflexible as this thread, and others prove.

Fridger, as I mentioned very early on in this tirade of a thread, can't we just agree to disagree and get on with other things? WithOUT your stab-me-in-the-back-on-the-way-out-the-door, snide remarks? Just keep them to yourself, okay? Or PM me to your heart's content, in PRIVATE!

I am NOT going sit idle while you do this to me or anyone else anymore. I have no intention of being intimidated by you, nor to run away from Celestia. So, you MUST get used to the idea that I am here to stay, as long as Chris and others feel that I have something positive to contribute. My very simple plan is to do the best I can at whatever task I put my mind and hands to -- trying my best to stay out of your way and not step on your toes anywhere. Is this acceptable to you?

-Don G.

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Post #37by don » 06.12.2003, 09:19


Thinking back on this thread while trying to go to sleep, I can't believe I let my chain get yanked for so long without simply walking away. Seeing two adults who are supposed to be intelligent human beings acting like a couple of chimpanzees going crazy over a banana simply makes me laugh out loud.

The only reason I can give is that my 69 year old stepmom got run down by an idiot driver in a parking lot several days ago, requiring the surgeons to put her crushed leg back together with screws and steel plates. Needless to say, my mind has been elsewhere.

I am sorry to everyone for letting this craziness go on this long.

I do hope you have a good weekend, and that we can work together without any more of this nonsense.

-Don G.

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Post #38by t00fri » 06.12.2003, 11:58


I think it is best if I do not go on responding to anything you wrote in your last two mails, except that I am very sorry for what happened to your stepmother!

I just wish this dispute could end now.

Be assured that I never had ANYTHING against you or your participation in the Celestia project, which indeed is very beneficiial for it. I can see, that in your last mail you are obviously hurt and I am very sorry for that.

I admit that your initial "encouragement"
don wrote:Have fun with perl! Since you're good at it, maybe you would like to help Christophe with the server-side development of the Celestia Add-On Manager / Repository code ...

sounded a little "patronizing" for my European ears;-).

Having collaborated so extensively with Christophe in the past, I sure have a more direct/personal way to get into contact with him if needed. I am certainly not his "helper", for example;-). And I am also very well informed about ongoing activities, without being "told" what is up...;-)

I did take the Add-On Repository issue as a "trigger" to bring up the discussion about your "mass-programming" initiative of Celestia which indeed I was concerned about since this summer. I think I made my position clear and also avoided successfuly, to let the discussion go the "emotional way". It is my conviction that some of these things had to be said for once, and sure it is Chris' decision after all.

The number of CVS checkins of the Celestia developers clearly vary with time. This even has recently included Chris (for whatever reasons), Christophe (for unfortunate reasons), ...and notably also me (for reasons I tried to indicate above). I still try to get back to coding since there are lots of overdue tasks on my TODO list, like coordinate system readouts or relativistic effects... It is undoubtedly correct that for quite a while in the past, the core development has progressed quite slowly or even stagnated. Fortunately, it seems this time is over now, 1.3.1 is ready etc.

In any case, it is most desirable to continuously watch out for "new talents" notably also for "core" programming! I actually find it most crucial to have "new blood" joining in from time to time. Since there is, however, quite a bit more to it than mere knowledge of C++ coding, I am convinced that Chris' proven method is still the best, and that a general call for C++ volunteers is "suboptimal" to say the least...I also think that Christophe and Grant share this point of view.

I am convinced that a "compact" number of well cooperating, active "core" developers, who all agree on the basic design philosphy of Celestia, but specialize in different aspects, can make excellent progress!

Needless to emphasize again that I am happy for my part with any kind of additional initiative to involve more Celestia users, e.g. in the context of Add-Ons!!!

I have summarized my points of view in these important matters again, to underlign that there is for sure nothing personal involved from my side.

I sincerely hope that you read this message in the right way and that any further misunderstandings can be avoided.

bye Fridger

PS: As to my "sniding comments" you were badly complaining about, I ask you to fold in for one moment that they were triggered only in response to your above distorted "Celestia project" lists! To make your point, it was entirely superfluous, to associate in public certain people with the various tasks, while ignoring boldly many former and present "main players". I am ready to believe that you did not do this on purpose, and hence I am very sorry, if my remarks hit too hard...

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Post #39by don » 06.12.2003, 20:19

t00fri wrote:I just wish this dispute could end now.
Yes, please.

t00fri wrote:... I am very sorry for what happened to your stepmother!
Thank you Fridger. I am sorry that I let this tragic event cloud my mind here, and let my emotions overcome my logics. My parents are 1500 miles away and I am unable to travel, which makes it that much more frustrating for me. Due to pain and medications, some days can be a real challenge for me to keep logics and emotions in balance. What I usually end up doing is writing much shorter sentences / replies, which are then sometimes misunderstood <frown>. I must stop doing this.

t00fri wrote:Be assured that I never had ANYTHING against you or your participation in the Celestia project,
Thank you for making this clear Fridger <smile>. You did however, leave it unsaid what it is you don't like, so I will assume (based partly on some of your comments) that it is probably my "cheerleader" style of "encouragement"? Sorry, that's just part of who I am. You may certainly question me about anything I write, at any time, instead of being concerned about what might come of it. Others have done this via PM from time to time and I appreciate it. Posts are easily modified <smile>. I promise not to bite your head off Fridger.

t00fri wrote:I admit that your initial "encouragement" ... sounded a little "patronizing" for my European ears;-).
Oh maaaaan! It surely was not meant that way Fridger <frown>! Thank your for telling me what upset you. I had no idea.

To everyone who is reading this, if I ever upset you with something I write in normal conversation, PLEASE write back and say so. I can't guarantee I won't say poor things in a heated discussion, but if I can maintain my "right mind" I will NOT.

t00fri wrote:Having collaborated so extensively with Christophe in the past, ... I am certainly not his "helper" ...
I don't recall seeing any messages posted by you in Christophe's newsgroup so I did not know if you even knew what was going on over there. I do not know of people's personal and/or Celestia-related relationships here, except for what I read in forum messages (and no, I've not gone back to day one of the forum's creation and read every message ever posted <smile>). And, I do not pry into any of this either. Thus, I am unaware of your prior collaborations with Christophe.

You were doing a bit of "bragging" about your perl skills so I merely did what seemed logical and asked if you wanted to put them to good use helping Christophe, where "helping" Christophe means simply that he has taken a "lead" position in the Repository project, which means other folks would be "helping him". Personally, I don't get into "ego trips" or being a "control freak", or any of that, so "helping" someone has a different meaning to me than to others.

t00fri wrote:And I am also very well informed about ongoing activities, without being "told" what is up...;-)
Again, this was not meant to be patronizing. Noone can know everything about everything all the time (not even you Fridger). So unless I know a person is specifically aware of something, I would mention it.

t00fri wrote:I did take the Add-On Repository issue as a "trigger" to bring up the discussion about your "mass-programming" initiative of Celestia which indeed I was concerned about since this summer.
Did you really think my little inquiry message was going to bring in a flood of new developers (C++ coders)? I never thought it would, and it surely hasn't. This is an example where you could have certainly PM'd me with your concerns and I could have changed the post in some way. Please don't hesitate to PM me about things like this in the future, okay?

t00fri wrote:In any case, it is most desirable to continuously watch out for "new talents" notably also for "core" programming! I actually find it most crucial to have "new blood" joining in from time to time. Since there is, however, quite a bit more to it than mere knowledge of C++ coding, I am convinced that Chris' proven method is still the best, and that a general call for C++ volunteers is "suboptimal" to say the least...I also think that Christophe and Grant share this point of view.
For Celestia "core" programming, yes, I agree with everything you wrote. To define "core", I mean anything to do with celestial mechanics (computation) and OpenGL (display), which is 70%-80% of the code.

What my quick-and-dirty ' distorted "Celestia project" lists ' failed miserably at, was to list some major code sections OTHER THAN the Celestia "core" code, where people with different C++ experience (non celestial mechanics) can come into the project and help.

By adding names to things that I know some developers are *actively* working on (another miserable failure on my part), I was attempting to show the way too many items that could be weighing on Chris' mind day and night, which is not good.

The end result was *supposed to* demonstrate that the Celestia project does indeed have room for a few more Developers (IMHO) -- as well as Contributors.

t00fri wrote:I am convinced that a "compact" number of well cooperating, active "core" developers, who all agree on the basic design philosphy of Celestia, but specialize in different aspects, can make excellent progress!
When they have free time, yes. But, as you yourself have pointed out, health, personal, and professional committments can take their toll on "free time" that folks have to do Celestia work.

An example I offered early on was something about a Developer having to write code that they do not like writing (can't quote it because shatters.net seems to be off-line right now and I'm working in a text editor). Chris jumped in real quick to say that he misses graphics and math coding when he's away from it for too long -- where "too long" could be construed as 10 seconds or 10 days <smile>. Rather, he's been working on bug / glitch fixes, which is probably boring him to tears.

This is one simple example where having a "debugger" Developer on the Celestia team would be a great addition! Chis could direct the person as to what code sections are probably involved and then let the debugger do the "dirty work", that they happen to enjoy, but Chris does not.

Another example might be ... having you direct a seasoned C++ programmer to write code for the things on your TODO list. They are your ideas, your analysis, your design, but you don't have the time to code them. So, why not "mentor" someone else, who might not be nearly as proficient as you but has potential, and let them write the code for you?

Chris might also enjoy having another OpenGL person, who could do things like font development for foreign language character support, and much more.

Since one of my hobbies is digital video, I would personally love to see someone revamp the video capture code to capture the entire display and then reduce it to the selected frame size. This requires some expertise in video CODECs, capture coding, etc.

And, of course, entire sub-projects, such as the Add-on Manager / Repository.

These are only simple examples Fridger, in an attempt to describe what my intention was. Did I succeed any better this time?

t00fri wrote:I sincerely hope that you read this message in the right way ...
Does this appear to be the case this time? I tried to use my normal (very lengthy) means of communication <smile>.

t00fri wrote: ... your distorted "Celestia project" lists! To make your point, it was entirely superfluous, to associate in public certain people with the various tasks, while ignoring boldly many former and present "main players". I am ready to believe that you did not do this on purpose, ...
I certainly do not do such things on purpose, as I wrote above. I sincerely do not have a clue as to who wrote what code in Celestia. And I was also sincere in asking you to correct this oversight. I think it would be a good idea to include what the authors contribute (major items) in the AUTHORS file, so all of us know who to thank (or contact) for the various parts of Celestia. I am sorry that I did not know (or didn't remember) that you had written any C++ code in Celestia. I thought your name was on the developer's / author's list because you probably contributed a lot of the physics basis (computations, etc.) to this project.

t00fri wrote:... and hence I am very sorry, if my remarks hit too hard...

Accepted, thank you Fridger.

I too am sorry for the words I wrote in anger / frustration of seemingly not being able to "get through to you" what I was trying to explain <frown>. Some days I wish the 'net was 10 times faster and live, international video conferencing was a reality. One day, maybe <smile>.


-Don G.

Topic author
Posts: 8772
Joined: 29.03.2002
Age: 22
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Post #40by t00fri » 06.12.2003, 21:05

Hi Don,

I am very glad that we both managed now to get back to normal! I think nevertheless, there were also a few good lessons to be learned for both of us;-).

Concerning the "cheerleader" issue, I might let you know by PM of a few more examples (not related to me in fact), if you are interested. I usually ignore such things myself more or less;-), since I know that American "friendlyness" is something that often appears exaggerated to many Europeans. Conversely, my bad reputation among some Americans in this forum, as a thoroughly "abrasive" character;-) , is usually not shared by the majority of Europeans that know me (notably in person).

Concerning the list of Authors, we had a joint discussion quite some time ago, and it was agreed to list the individual 'merits' only in case of the acknowledgements to the Celestia 'contributors' that also exist somewhere.

So, let me return to my Perl scripts, trying to finalize my new gigantic earth-locations file. Tomorrow, I have to get back again to non-Celestia work... And a short while ago, I got some very promising lists of earth-capitals and biggest cities by Grant and Hank, respectively that I am going to merge into my 'importance weights' NOW;-)! I am very curious to see what will come out after combining all this information!

After an excellent chinese Dim Sam dinner, I am now all set for 'Perling' the world's great cities and other distinguished locations...

Bye Fridger

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