Celestia 1.2.5 is ready!
Code: Select all
thilo@Thilo thilo $ ls /usr/local/lib/kde3/plugins/designer
ls: /usr/local/lib/kde3/plugins/designer: No such file or directory
thilo@Thilo thilo $ echo $KDEDIR
thilo@Thilo thilo $ echo $QTDIR
thilo@Thilo thilo $
Yes, you are right, now that you're pointing me to this odd fact. Actually, I'm wondering why make doesn't bile out before if the error is in a nonexistent directory...
Code: Select all
root@Thilo kde # grep uic *
Makefile:UIC = /usr/qt/3/bin/uic -L $(kde_widgetdir) -nounload
Is the macro for kde_widgetdir wrong?