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Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 17.04.2013, 18:20
by kristoffer
Currently now I am creating my vision of the Universe. Of different intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy and other galaxies in the Universe.
I have a really big vision of what I think the Universe looks like, how the different civilizations act, and I am even giving them names.

So I will afterall, release a major addon to Celestia later. For now I have the giant fictional solarsystem Boliverius Alvera Sagittarii, available on the Motherlode.

Here is an another fictional planet, which I have called "Peurobia". I don't know what it means, but I search on Google, and I found something called "Peroba", which is a Finnish word. But I didn't knew that in the first place, and I even don't know what "Peroba" means either.

Well, here it is, and here is some details about it aswell
Name: Peurobia
Class: Planet
Type: Terrestrial
Size(diameter): 13360 km
Solar system: Peuroba
Constellation: Sagittarius
Distance: 120 light-years from Earth
Distance to it's star: 0.95 AU
Orbital period: 0.7 Earth years
Rotation period: 23.5 Earth hours
Habitable: Yes
Atmosphere: Yes
Info: Peurobia is a rocky and inhabited planet, located in a fictional solarsystem called Peuroba, orbiting a orange K-type star, 120 light-years from Earth. The planet is inhabited by an intelligent civilization.

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 19.05.2013, 04:28
by krypton
A few of mine

Eben. Custom textures except for John van Vliet's clouds

Eben, night side.

Kalas and its three moons, Hadrus, Iyin, and Zutho.


Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 19.05.2013, 06:41
by PlutonianEmpire
Were those surface textures hand-painted or generated?

Regardless, rather nice. :)

My take on Pluto:

The crescent Earth, with Triangulum directly behind it, earlier this evening (20:53 DST; 01:53 UTC).

Images clickable for larger versions. :)

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 19.05.2013, 18:15
by krypton
PlutonianEmpire wrote:Were those surface textures hand-painted or generated?

Regardless, rather nice. :)...

Thank you, PlutonianEmpire.
They are all made by me, except, as I said for Eben's clouds.

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 21.09.2013, 02:43
by John Van Vliet
been a bit
using the spice kernels for the solar system and Phobos and the comet C/2012 s1 ( from the ISON group ) -- yes there is a SPICE kernel for it

Sep 29
the start of the ride into the inner solar system

using the UP TO DATE de430.bsp ,and mar097.bsp ,ISON.bsp

Code: Select all

"ISON:C/2012 S1" "Sol"

       Class "comet"
       Mesh    "roughsphere.cms"
       Texture "asteroid.jpg"
       Radius               5.0      #  guess
       Albedo               0.2      # guess

       OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol" }}

       Beginning  "2012 01 02 00:00:00.000"
       Ending    "2014 01 02 00:00:00.000"
         Kernel "ison.bsp"
         Target "1003203"
         Origin "10"   
         Period  1
         BoundingRadius 1e10

the cel:
cel://Follow/Sol:Mars:Phobos/2013-09-29 ... rc=0&ver=3

Code: Select all


Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 21.09.2013, 08:45
by John Van Vliet
ISON rise

Comet c/2012 S1 is rising over Gale Crater
On Oct.2 at 14:48 UTC

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 21.09.2013, 13:01
by bh
Blimey JV... stunning!

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 22.09.2013, 04:53
by John Van Vliet
a mesh and texture for the comet

we have NO idea on how it looks so ..
see the CM thread ... ?f=4&t=579

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 22.09.2013, 20:40
by John Van Vliet
Siding spring
C/2013 A1
from mars on the 18 to 19 of Oct 2014
from the vantage points of Deimos, Phobos and Gale Crater
Image Image Image Image Image
- Comet rise on the close approach --
Image Image

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 23.09.2013, 06:17
by John Van Vliet
two different comets , check the date in the upper right corner
one THIS year
and the second in 2014
comet C/2012 S1 and C/2013 A1
ISON and Siding-Spring

for more of Comet ISON as seen from Gale Crater ( this years comet ! )
---the link is rather DEAD do to it's age

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 24.09.2013, 07:35
by John Van Vliet
Mars from comet "Siding Spring - C/2013 A1 "
On the Comet's close approach to Mars on October 19 2014
--- yes i am just having fun , and procrastinating doing other things --
Image Image Image
Image Image

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 24.09.2013, 17:46
by danielj
Is this texture only for Sci.Fi or are you are uploading to use in Celestia?Or is a texture and model borrowed from another program?

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 24.09.2013, 19:10
by t00fri


ever thought about using Perlin noise patterns as random normal maps? They would give way smoother 3D impressions than a standard random distribution of points. The latter tends to lead to rather sharp edges...

In addition one may vary the appearance of Perlin noise a lot. Look in the net under Perlin noise...

Here is an example from ... algorithms

The Perlin noise generates a 2D heightmap such as this

Which produces this impressive landscape



PS: Incidentally, such creative games are also perfectly welcome at CM ;-)

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 24.09.2013, 19:20
by John Van Vliet
--- edit ---

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 13.10.2013, 18:58
by John Van Vliet
A few more.A mod of Comet Halley

Image Image Image
Image Image
bassed on ""

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 10.11.2013, 02:56
by John Van Vliet

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 17.01.2014, 20:34
by bh
Looks cold down there!


Image is NASA blue marble january... converted to 16k dds.

I had to cheat a little and combine the earth and clouds to one texture overlay, otherwise I get a crappy fps, I hardly go much lower for Earth views.

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 17.01.2014, 20:52
by John Van Vliet
I thought this forum died , when it went offline

though it still is using "h t t p : / /"

it is not that cold at the "red" dot it is 0 C at 5:30 PM

then a real image from Jan 6 2014 ... 06_lrg.jpg
--- GeoTiff ... 06_geo.tif

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 21.01.2014, 19:06
by John Van Vliet
look at the "thanks " given on the front page

all three are the same ONE person and was BANNED here
for violating the copyright on the original meshes used
he used them against the wishes of the ARTISTS that made them

and look at the copyright line
"© 2013 by bdfd. Proudly created with "

Re: Pictures from Celestia

Posted: 22.01.2014, 08:17
by bh
Looks heavily biased towards a trek fan base... Didn't Runar do the Celestia graphic?

I'm all for it if it means we can get this place up and running again!