Addressing limitations:
Ceiestia is a 32 bit application, so it's limited to somewhat more than 2GB. However, it works fine under both Vista 32 and Vista 64.
Celestia will crash if you do not have up-to-date graphics drivers. The graphics drivers included with Vista are buggy and *not* up-to-date. You must download and install updated drivers from the Web site of the manufacturer of your graphics hardware. All of the graphics hardware vendors are updating their drivers for Vista on almost a weekly basis.
Cel:// URLs work fine under Vista with Word 2007.
fsgregs wrote:MS Word automatically requires the use of [Ctrl] + click to launch a hyperlink, but there is a menu item to eliminate the need to press [Ctrl]. Go to the Tools/Options/Edit menu, and uncheck the box that says, "use Ctrl+Click for hyperlinks". Click OK. From that point forward, simply pointing and clicking once on a cel:url or hyperlink will launch it.
Vista enforces some security requirements which usually are optional under earlier versions of Windows. You may have to select options to disable that enforcement for Celestia. E.g. allowing URLs to run programs.