Strong Leonid Meteor Shower Expected This Weekend

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Strong Leonid Meteor Shower Expected This Weekend

Post #1by DonAVP » 17.11.2006, 23:59

Was reading this article and got to wondering. Has anyone made an add-on showing this? Might be kind of interesting to do. I realize that Celestia does not support animation but maybe something could be done to simulate it. The article said as many as two per minute. So if time was speeded up to 10X you would see something interesting. May I suggest first have it work from a POV on the earth or any planet (Crtl g) only then maybe from a different POV say above the earth or planet like in orbit but looking out toward part of space.

I would give it a go but don't have the first idea of what is needed. I would be willing to contribute a textured poly of streak as the meteor enters the atmosphere. Trick would be showing it quickly develope. Just thinking can the poly be told to orient its plane relative to the viewer? If so the plain would be first oriented edge-on. As the poly falls toward the planet it quickly rotate 90 degrees. This would appear to look like the streak was growing (heating). Can Celestia fade images over time? If so this is how the meteor would end. Any ideas?

Don't know anything

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Post #2by Clorox » 18.11.2006, 00:13

Wait a minute, when exactly is this meteor shower?
Calm down. NOW.

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Joined: 01.12.2005
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Post #3by DonAVP » 18.11.2006, 00:16

Don't know anything

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