Mostly Harmless. a Celestia based simulator/game

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Mostly Harmless. a Celestia based simulator/game

Post #1by marc » 06.05.2002, 09:41

An elite like space game based on celestia.

Have only implemented the gravity effects so far and have been experimenting with Chris's code. Lots and lots of work to do. My ideas and progress can be seen at this webpage.



Post #2by Guest » 21.05.2002, 00:11

Looks sweet!

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Post #3by dab » 21.05.2002, 07:20

man! just what I was waiting for. I may even get off me butt and contribute -
however, am I right in observing that the only file to download is a windows
executable, right now? where is the source? and, more relevantly, how do
you intend to wrap this thing around chris' source tree, I mean, do you simply
mean to branch off celestia 1.2.4 or do you want to develop this whole thing
as a patch on top of continually evolving celestia? can cvs do something
like that, viz. keep track of one project on top of another, as it were...
do I even make sense here? ;-)


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Post #4by marc » 23.05.2002, 16:43

Ive made a little progress since the first exe. Currently its a patch for the evolving celestia. Short term goal is to convert celestia into a basic spaceship simulator.

Make a copy of celestia then copy the patch over it.

Prototype thrusters is the latest addition. Along with some planets and a ringworld.

Ive got the basic hang of the CVS system now. Though im still learning.
The source that is different to Celestia is in the mostlyharmless CVS tree,as are the textures, models and other files ive added.
Im on a modem so I wont be adding tarballs of the source as file releases. Unless it can be done from the sourceforge server. anyone?

As far as managing the source code. Its a bit of a pain to manage but I have some tools which help. For now each release will be a patch for the latest W32 Celestia. This will make it pretty impossible for others to work on the source code until it branches completely away from Celestia.
I cant gaurentee anything with linux as im not testing with it, though it should work in theory.

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Post #5by marc » 25.09.2002, 11:15

A new version of my system generator is out.

Solar System Generator 0.0.2
Data files reduced from 10 to 2 gig by gzipping all the data files and having celestia unzip them as needed.
Cloud textures assigned to planets according to atmospheric data. Terresterial textures assigned as per hydrosphere coverage.
Nicer textures too thought he texture pack is a little big... a low res version will be coming soon,

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Post #6by marc » 17.11.2002, 05:58

Ive set up a forum for my celestia / elite hack. I dont expect much traffic and ill probably just use it to talk to myself. icon_biggrin.gif

If anyone has any questions, comments, suggestions or criticism (related to mh) please feel free to make a post.

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