Best Joystick 4 a Mac?

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Best Joystick 4 a Mac?

Post #1by MonstersFromTheId » 01.07.2006, 02:19

I'm using a Mac G4 laptop (a "Powerbook" ;-), running OSX 10.4.5

I've just installed Celestia 1.4.1 (0)

I'd like to buy a joystick JUST FOR USE W/CELESTIA.

I have absolutely ZERO interest in games or gaming. (No offense to those who are, it's just that games aren't my thing), so I don't really think I need a joystick with lots of bells and whistles (tho I might be wrong about that, everyone in here has more experience using Celestia than I do, so suggestions or insights would be VERY much appreciated, just please keep in mind that I'M USING A MAC NOT A WINTEL PLATFORM, Wintel pointers or issues don't do me much good ).

What I'd really like is to find a joystick that works particularly well with Celestia running on a Mac.

I'm trying to use Celestia as a 3D star map that I can use to get to know my way around our little neighborhood of the Milkyway.

Simply keying in a destination and hitting GO has proven to be very much less than helpful in this regard.

Ideally what I'd like is a joystick that allows me to "drive around" in 3D space.

I'd like to be able to use the joystick to control pitch, roll, AND YAW, to point myself at a potential destination (Nihal for example), and then go to that destination by traveling in a straight line that allows me to get a feel for what kinds of things I'd pass on the way, and the relationships of these objects to each other in 3D space (For example, is Mu Leporis closer or farther from Earth than Nihal? What does Sol look like as viewed from Nihal? Which stars are best to use as navigational references to keep from getting lost?).

Any suggestions?

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Post #2by DonAVP » 01.07.2006, 03:14

First off get a Mighty Mouse. Worth every penny IMHO. The left side (button) pans side to side and around, the middle ball zooms in and out (like Home and End keys) much faster though and finally right side (button) rotates around tracked object (planet). Very Cool.

Start learning the keyboard shortcuts. Learn a few each week. This will rally let you run the progam at is fullest. Can't suggest a Joystick. Not sure that Celestia is set up to fly like a plane (could be wrong).

Don't know anything

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Tx Don!

Post #3by MonstersFromTheId » 01.07.2006, 03:39

Just checked it out at the Apple store, oooo, niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.

I'd still like a joystick, but for now, this'll do just fine. I'll have it on Monday.

Thanks bro;


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Post #4by dirkpitt » 01.07.2006, 12:01

FYI The Mac version does not natively support joysticks yet.

Your Mighty Mouse should be just fine though. :)

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