clouds for venus look weird(with pic)

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clouds for venus look weird(with pic)

Post #1by Redfish » 23.10.2002, 12:40

I downloaded a 2k venusclouds and the 8k venussurface, and was trying to see the clouds in celestia when they are enabled, and the surface when clouds are turned off.

I do get this functionality, but with clouds on it has this weird look. as if the clouds are at exactly the same height as the surface texture.


"Venus" "Sol"
Texture "venusmap.jpg"
# BumpMap "venusbump.jpg"
HazeColor [ 0.5 0.35 0.2 ]
HazeDensity 0.35
Radius 6052

Atmosphere {
Height 60
Lower [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
Upper [ 0.6 0.6 0.6 ]
Sky [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
Cloudheight 50
CloudMap "venus.jpg"

CustomOrbit "venus"
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 0.6152
SemiMajorAxis 0.7233
Eccentricity 0.0068
Inclination 3.3947
AscendingNode 76.681
LongOfPericenter 131.533
MeanLongitude 181.979

RotationPeriod 5832.444
Obliquity 177.4
LongOfRotationAxis 302.07

Albedo 0.77

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Post #2by chris » 23.10.2002, 17:27

Try capitalizing the H in Cloudheight: CloudHeight . . . The fields in the .ssc file are case-sensitive (which is annoying and something I should really get around to fixing.)


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Joined: 22.05.2002
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Location: Lat: 50.850 Long: 5.683 | Maastricht Netherlands

Post #3by Redfish » 23.10.2002, 18:07

Damn i don't believe it.

It works

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