Bump Mapping Earth

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Bump Mapping Earth

Post #1by Phule » 13.10.2002, 18:36

I have just downloaded the bump map of earth from the TEXFoundry. However, when I put it in the directory and set the solarsystem.scc to the new file.. Celestia crashed. Any Ideas?

I am running Celestia 1.24 Windows XP, 512mb RAM, 128mb Ge4TI4400.
I put the code in for the SCC file like this

Code: Select all

"Earth" "Sol"
   Texture "earth.png"
   # Texture "earth8k.dds"
   NightTexture "earthnight.jpg"
   BumpMap "earthbump.jpg"
   BumpHeight 5
   # CompressTexture true
   Color [ 0.85 0.85 1.0 ]
   SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ]
   SpecularPower 25.0
   HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
   HazeDensity 0.3
   Radius 6378
   # Oblateness 0.003

I took the cue from the mercury bumpmap line and changed it to Earth. What did i do wrong?

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Post #2by Rassilon » 14.10.2002, 00:36

Dunno maybe try different texture combos like a jpg or dds for the main texture and see if it still crashes...
I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!

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Bump Mapping Earth

Post #3by t00fri » 14.10.2002, 16:20

Phule wrote:I have just downloaded the bump map of earth from the TEXFoundry. However, when I put it in the directory and set the solarsystem.scc to the new file.. Celestia crashed. Any Ideas?

I am running Celestia 1.24 Windows XP, 512mb RAM, 128mb Ge4TI4400.
I put the code in for the SCC file like this

Code: Select all

"Earth" "Sol"
   Texture "earth.png"
   # Texture "earth8k.dds"
   NightTexture "earthnight.jpg"
   BumpMap "earthbump.jpg"
   BumpHeight 5
   # CompressTexture true
   Color [ 0.85 0.85 1.0 ]
   SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ]
   SpecularPower 25.0
   HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
   HazeDensity 0.3
   Radius 6378
   # Oblateness 0.003

I took the cue from the mercury bumpmap line and changed it to Earth. What did i do wrong?

Dynamical bump mapping with large bumpfiles of size different from the main texture size is not yet supported in 1.2.4. Upgrade to the latest 1.2.5preX version.

Bye Fridger

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Bump Mapping Earth

Post #4by Phule » 14.10.2002, 19:11

t00fri wrote:Dynamical bump mapping with large bumpfiles of size different from the main texture size is not yet supported in 1.2.4. Upgrade to the latest 1.2.5preX version.

Bye Fridger

So after I update to the newest beta, what would the tag line read then? The same that I posted or would it be different?

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Bump Mapping Earth

Post #5by t00fri » 14.10.2002, 19:17

Phule wrote:
t00fri wrote:Dynamical bump mapping with large bumpfiles of size different from the main texture size is not yet supported in 1.2.4. Upgrade to the latest 1.2.5preX version.

Bye Fridger

So after I update to the newest beta, what would the tag line read then? The same that I posted or would it be different?

Here is what I use:
"Earth" "Sol"
#Texture "earth.png"
Texture "earth.dds"
NightTexture "earthnight.dds"
SpecularTexture "earth-spec.dds"
SpecularColor [ 0.51 0.55 0.51 ]
SpecularPower 35.0
BumpMap "earthbump.jpg"
BumpHeight 9.5
Color [ 0.85 0.85 1.0 ]
HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
HazeDensity 0.3
Radius 6378
# Oblateness 0.003

Atmosphere {
Height 60
Lower [ 0.5 0.5 0.65 ]
Upper [ 0.3 0.3 0.6 ]
Sky [ 0.3 0.6 0.9 ]
CloudHeight 7
CloudSpeed 65
CloudMap "earth-clouds.dds"

CustomOrbit "vsop87-earth"
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 1.0000
SemiMajorAxis 1.0000
Eccentricity 0.0167
Inclination 0.0001
AscendingNode 348.739
LongOfPericenter 102.947
MeanLongitude 100.464

RotationPeriod 23.9344694 # 23.93419
RotationOffset 280.5 # offset at default epoch J2000
Obliquity -23.45
Albedo 0.30



Post #6by Guest » 16.10.2002, 06:56

I use your textures without problem. They are nice but.....without the Bumpmap. Reading this post yesterday I add "your" earthbumpmap.jpg put it in MEDRES and use the same scc code that you showed here. It crashes with the 125 pre6 (W2000 +gf2 32MO): Blank window inside the celestia frame. Of course everything is OK if I suppress the bumpmap. I also try to keep the bumpmap and suppress another texture in order to reduce the number of textures. No success.I examine the bumpmap file with photshop, it is OK Is it due to the gf2, do we need , at least gf3 or what??


Don. Edwards
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RE: Bumpmapping

Post #7by Don. Edwards » 16.10.2002, 07:55

Well I have come accross this a few times. I think you may be running out out of video ram even if you have 128mb. I you have photoshop or Gimp try sizing down the bumpmap. If the original bumpmap is 8192 then try downing it to 4096. If that doesn't do it try going down to 2048. If worse comes to worse try 1024. You will loose lot of detail but you should see at least if it will work. Also if your using a large .jpg bumpmap you may need to add the line to your solarsys.ssc compress texture true. This shouldn't have any effect on .dds files but it willl compress the large .jpg so it will have a smaller memory footprint. The line should look like this

"Earth" "Sol"
Texture "earth8k.dds"
NightTexture "landlights_8192.JPG"
CompressTexture true
Color [ 0.85 0.85 1.0 ]
SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ]
SpecularPower 25.0
HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
HazeDensity 0.3
Radius 6378

Also you could have altered something in the solorsy.ssc and not relised you did it and this could cause Celestia to crash. This did happen to me when I first installed the newer versions. I had somehow changed a line in my solarsys.ssc and until I replaced it with a new copy from a fresh install all Celestia would do is crash. If this dosn't help than I am at a loss as to whats going on. You may try reinstalling your drivers.

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Post #8by Ortolan » 16.10.2002, 08:17

Try putting a # in front of the SpecularTexture line.

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Post #9by t00fri » 16.10.2002, 08:50

Anonymous wrote:Fridger,
I use your textures without problem. They are nice but.....without the Bumpmap. Reading this post yesterday I add "your" earthbumpmap.jpg put it in MEDRES and use the same scc code that you showed here. It crashes with the 125 pre6 (W2000 +gf2 32MO): Blank window inside the celestia frame. Of course everything is OK if I suppress the bumpmap. I also try to keep the bumpmap and suppress another texture in order to reduce the number of textures. No success.I examine the bumpmap file with photshop, it is OK Is it due to the gf2, do we need , at least gf3 or what??


For your info: I also have a gf2/32MB, 512MB of RAM and usually run things with the latest CVS-Linux. I'll try my above ssc file under 125pre6 and Win-ME tonight when I am at home.

BTW, with /8k dynamical bumping/ of a 16k earth.dds, say, a gf2/32MB has a really slow performance!

Bye Fridger


Post #10by Guest » 16.10.2002, 13:34

To Ortolan:
thanks, I already tried to reduce the number of textures, in particular the one you suggest. No success!!

To Fridger I am rather sure of my scc file. I have 256K
I will look more carefully this evening. I am suppose to work now!

BTW I cannot try with CVS Linux, I still have problem to get CVS
since I do not succeed to create a configure script. This was posted elsewere in the devel forum.
More philosophically, in the CVS tree there are the right tools to compile and link the Windows version (the .dsw script or something like that) and not the configure for linux. If I remember well you are an ardent defendor of Linux., me too but I should confess that things are still easier with Windows. Please give us the right tools


Post #11by Guest » 16.10.2002, 17:26

Anonymous wrote:To Ortolan:
thanks, I already tried to reduce the number of textures, in particular the one you suggest. No success!!

To Fridger I am rather sure of my scc file. I have 256K
I will look more carefully this evening. I am suppose to work now!

BTW I cannot try with CVS Linux, I still have problem to get CVS
since I do not succeed to create a configure script. This was posted elsewere in the devel forum.
More philosophically, in the CVS tree there are the right tools to compile and link the Windows version (the .dsw script or something like that) and not the configure for linux. If I remember well you are an ardent defendor of Linux., me too but I should confess that things are still easier with Windows. Please give us the right tools

Concerning CVS-Linux: It's really simple. Just make sure that you have a fairly recent version of the 'autoconf' and 'automake' packages installed. I use automake 1.4_p5 and autoconf 2.52. Then from within the top celestia directory, type

aclocal -I macros

and then ./configure --prefix=xxx

and then


If you leave --prefix away, /usr/local is the standard install dir.

That's all. I suppose, you know, how to update from the CVS archive...

Bye Fridger

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Post #12by t00fri » 16.10.2002, 17:32

Apparently this mail box HATES me, since:

--my letteres are more than 2 lines long

--sometimes I take a moment to think about what I am going to write next

It punishes me with great persistence by immediate loss of my IDENTITY....

Bye Fridger

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Post #13by t00fri » 16.10.2002, 18:03

Anonymous wrote:To Ortolan:
thanks, I already tried to reduce the number of textures, in particular the one you suggest. No success!!

To Fridger I am rather sure of my scc file. I have 256K
I will look more carefully this evening. I am suppose to work now!

BTW I cannot try with CVS Linux, I still have problem to get CVS
since I do not succeed to create a configure script. This was posted elsewere in the devel forum.
More philosophically, in the CVS tree there are the right tools to compile and link the Windows version (the .dsw script or something like that) and not the configure for linux. If I remember well you are an ardent defendor of Linux., me too but I should confess that things are still easier with Windows. Please give us the right tools

MB: (Why don't you register for a change;-), I usually ignore Guest-mail after a short while)

I have just rebooted my system to Win-ME and started exactly my above solarsys.ssc with the latest celestia-1.2.5pre6.

Given my gf2/32MBand 512MB of RAM I get a beautiful spec + dynamical bumpmap of my 16k earth.dds with the 8k earthbump.jpg file.

NO problems whatsowever...

even with this horrible windoze stuff;-)

Did you really make sure that all of the files listed in solarsys.ssc are actually present in the hires folder, say???

Bye Fridger

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Post #14by Phule » 16.10.2002, 22:46

I know this a bit off topic here... and I do appreciate all the helpful bits of info... but I am gonna wait on the 1.25 celestia... just takes too long on my 56k modem that is only able to get a 28k connection where I live :evil: I have one more question... I just added the star dat that has 200k+ stars and the start up for Celestia takes much much much longer. It takes so long by the time it does start up.. I am at Io. No zoom in, no Celestia title, nothing.. just a white box while Celestia loads.

Same specs as before:
Celestia 1.24 Windows XP, 512mb RAM, 128mb Ge4TI4400

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Post #15by MB » 17.10.2002, 07:26

To Don.Edward and Fridger
I followed the suggestions and down-sized the earthbump to 4k (the file is only 344k instead of the 925k of the 8K Friger version. I works very well. (gf2/32MBand 256MB (only) of RAM)
BTW trying ith a 6K does not crash but does not result in any bumpmaping (Only power of TWO?)

To Don.Edward: It is beautiful. Thanks
On the other hand : CompressTexture true makes the whole program crashes

To Fridger
Concerning CVS Linux.
I tried :

aclocal -I macros

and then ./configure
without prefix (but that I know)
I will look about the autoconf version this evening
Thanks again

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