Speaking of comets...
Topic authorBat
- Posts: 8
- Joined: 22.09.2002
- With us: 22 years 5 months
- Location: the middle of the USA
Speaking of comets...
Has anyone seen Hale-Bopp anywhere?
Topic authorBat
- Posts: 8
- Joined: 22.09.2002
- With us: 22 years 5 months
- Location: the middle of the USA
I was hoping to throw it in my solarsys.ssc file, but I'm not quite up to the task of figuring out what some of the critical values are. So far all I have is:
but even with the enormous amount of data available, I'm still not remotely close to knowing what the following values are for Hale-Bopp:
Any help would be appreciated.
Code: Select all
Period 2380 # Original orbital period before
# entering planetary system = 4206 years
# Future orbital period after
# exiting planetary system = 2380 years
Eccentricity 0.995112269
Epoch 2450571.5000
Radius 20.0
RotationPeriod 11.47
Albedo 0.04 #this one's just a guess
but even with the enormous amount of data available, I'm still not remotely close to knowing what the following values are for Hale-Bopp:
Any help would be appreciated.
A full set of orbital elements for Hale-Bopp (comet 1995 O1) and a current ephemeris are available on the Web at
http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/Ephemeri ... 995O1.html
The current elements have a smaller eccentricity, it seems.
Here they are in units that Celestia understands:
I hope this helps.
http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/Ephemeri ... 995O1.html
The current elements have a smaller eccentricity, it seems.
Here they are in units that Celestia understands:
Period 2502.405 #calculated: (q/(1-e))**1.5
PericenterDistance 0.924553
Eccentricity 0.994984
Inclination 89.4443
AscendingNode 282.2315
ArgOfPericenter 130.7493
MeanAnomaly 0.0
Epoch 2450538.5026
I hope this helps.