OT - Giza Pyramids and Orion's Belt?

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OT - Giza Pyramids and Orion's Belt?

Post #1by Avetikus » 18.09.2002, 20:37

Okay, so this is somewhat off-topic. The community here is the most knowledgable and informal group I can think of right offhand to come to with a problem a coworker and I are having with tracking down some information.

I remember watching somethign on television a while ago that said not only did the three major pyramids at Giza correctly correspond with the stars in Orion's belt, but that there were pyramids built in the middle of nowhere that also supported the 'star map' idea very well.

Does anyone else remember this television program? Can you tell me what network hosted it?

There are literally scores of books to choose from that approach this topic. Which would be most complete and recent book to look to? There are a lot of books and websites that are 'fluff' concerning this; which would be the best to explore?

I'm looking forward to seeing what y'all come up with. Thanks.
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Post #2by Rassilon » 18.09.2002, 21:04

Try searching in here...

I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!


Post #3by Guest » 18.09.2002, 22:13

yes i saw that program a while back on cable cant remember the program something to do with the mystries of the pyramids

but not only was they trying to copy orions belt but the milky way its self to scale including the brightness of the stars can you imagine the size of the pyramid for sirius the dog star 8O


Post #4by Guest » 18.09.2002, 22:38


Thanks for the pointer.

I had better luck searching google with the parameters: 'Orion Giza pyramid' and came up with a whole mess of results. A good one would be http://www.ianlawton.com/gttindex.htm but again, that's not quite what I was after.

In particular I wanted to know what the general consensus here was. If it was a nice coincidence, if the pattern was there and limited to Orion's belt, or if there was a larger pattern that they built the pyramids to.

That an ancient civilization could actually see and measure the stars as well as make a symbolic connection with earthbound structures does not strain my credulity at all. The trappings of an ancient religion would only serve to make the measurements as exacting as their zeal would permit, but I don't think it has anything to do with the King James Version. That's the border between serious thought and plain silliness.

So the question is: Are there more pyramids built away from Giza that support the 'map' that Giza holds forth? (Height of pyramid corresdonping to the magnitude of the star/relative positions as seen from earth in accordance with galactic precession, etc.)

Fascinating stuff.


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Post #5by ctx1769 » 18.09.2002, 22:50

yes there were other pyramids built away from giza that were to scale of the distance thats why you just get one pyramid in the middle of no where
smaller of course due to the brightness

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OT - Giza Pyramids and Orion's Belt?

Post #6by erostosthenes » 19.09.2002, 00:48

you're talking about something suggested by Kurt Von Dannegen (sp.?). i normally don't like to argue against someone's opinion, but this one is just ludicrous. for one thing, there are many many pyramids in egypt that don't fit anywhere into orion and KVD simply omits these when he draws his orion on the ground. second, he tried some computer simulation to show what the night sky looked like 10,000 years ago (his new estimate of the age of the pyramids :? ) and claims orion was rising at the vernal equinox or some such bogus. orion can rise pretty much anywhere on the horizon at any time within a year and i couldn't for the life of me understand what was special about 10,000 years ago. he applied the same thing to ankor watt, and claims it represents some other constellation, but again, he's ignoring something like 20 structures that don't fit into the constellation. i believe in that show, they pointed out how you could map some buildings in manhatten to the big dipper but you'd have to ignore every other building first.


Post #7by Guest » 19.09.2002, 09:10

I think it's Graham Hancock who proposed this - although I think he just forwarded someone elses ideas.

In short, it's complete tosh. erostosthenes explains a lot of the reasons why, above. The reason that the pyramids are not in line is pretty simple - bedrock. You can't just build a 10 million tonne pyramid wherever you like...

Another 'fact' that 'keys' the construction of the pyramids to 10K BC is that the shafts from the Khufu pyramid supposedly point directly at Sirius and the Pole star at that date (due to precession). Bollocks. In fact, the shafts do not run straight, but make several turns and angle changes, so they could be determined to point at any one of several locations.

Hancock also claims that Angor Wat matches the constellation Draco. I laughed when he 'matched' a dozen or so of the hundreds of building to one of the most vague constellations going...

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Post #8by Stargazer_2098 » 19.09.2002, 09:43

I for one belive that it is true.

The Pyramids at Giza and many other sites around the world is like a ground map of constallations.

I belive this might be the proof of a Lost Civilization, since Anchor Wat in India, Giza at Egypt, and the temples up in the Andes-mountains of South Africa, all point toward spesific star-constallations as they looked like at the year 10,500 BC; around the end of the last ice-age.

I belive this could be the final proof needed to prove the existance of a higly-advanced human civilization that had traveled almost the entire world before a great cataclysm viped them out.
Maybe some of the structures are built as warnings, a sort of "remember what happened" for the future.
Maybe the past is trying to warn the future, that what happened to them will happen again; that there is only a question of time before the next Lost Civilization could become our own...

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Post #9by Sum0 » 19.09.2002, 15:47

Hmm. Perhaps a case for the Bad Astronomer...


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Post #10by Avetikus » 20.09.2002, 22:39

Hmm.. that's too bad.

The overwhelming opinion is that some scientists seem to have spun the data a little bit to support their theory.

Bummer. I was hoping for more from the egyptians.

Ah well.. thanks for the comments. Maybe something else will turn up in the future.

M Rodriguez


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Post #11by Aristarkhos » 27.09.2002, 11:35

For good information on genuine archaeoastronomy, you might want to try Hastro-L . The consensus reached here is correct: the whole pyramids/Orion thing belongs in the same dustbin with Velikovsky's idea that Venus was a comet that shifted the earth's axis and caused the parting of the Red Sea.

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Post #12by Don. Edwards » 04.10.2002, 22:04

Hey Guys,
Lets not forget were the Sphinx fits into this. Its suppose to have been pointed in the direction of the constelations Leo as it rose over the horizon some 10,000 years ago as well. I think the case for the Sphinx being 10,000 years old is much stonger than the pyramids. Simply because of the rate of erosion on the thing. The egyptologist say the rock is very soft and thats why it has eroded at the rate it has over the years. But geologists say its eroded by water and it happened 10,000 years ago. So who is right?

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Post #13by Avetikus » 05.10.2002, 06:01

Fom what I understand the sphinx really is a very ancient edifice but it was a later dynasty that put the sphinx part of the sphinx on it. I guess that's what happens when gods fall out of favor and other gods come to the forefront. Their prodigal sons / lieutenants take the stage and all traces of the previous regime are rubbed out.

M Rodriguez
M Rodriguez


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