Barycenter Orbit a Star

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Barycenter Orbit a Star

Post #1by mmarable » 18.09.2005, 20:43

I've been hunting around the search and have not found anything about it, so I thought I'd ask.

I'm trying to set up a pair of planets, orbiting a barycenter, and that barycenter orbits a star.

I've found all sorts of things about defining barycenters in STC files, but nothing about using them in SSC.

Am I way off base for trying something like this?


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Post #2by selden » 18.09.2005, 23:16

You can define them in an STC file, including a name, and then use that name in an SSC file, orbiting an object around it, just as you can orbit an object around a Star.

I don't think you can define a Barycenter to orbit around a planet, though.

However, you can define an SSC object as
Class "invisible"
which is almost equivalent. You can use that as an invisible SSC object that other SSC objects orbit around.

Or you can create a 3D Mesh that's invisible and use that as an SSC object that other SSC objects orbit around.

Spaceman Spiff
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Post #3by Spaceman Spiff » 19.09.2005, 09:06

Have a look at this topic, which shows that it can be done (and how to do it as well):

Double Body Problem ( ).


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Posts: 33
Joined: 18.07.2003
With us: 21 years 7 months

Post #4by mmarable » 20.09.2005, 13:27

That is perfect guys. I really appreciate the example Spaceman Spiff, it helps a lot. :D

Thanks again.

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