HEY some suggestions for future releases from a newbie

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HEY some suggestions for future releases from a newbie

Post #1by TK274 » 02.09.2002, 16:51

First off I must say GREEEEEEEAAT, celestia is one of the funniest soft I ever used!
All right I'll probably say things that othe users have suggested before me, but I'll try.

1) Star light (when approaching to a star ) IMHO need more bright effect, a very hig one lens flare maybe.. filled with an option for light masking for a peculiar star view
2) Galaxy light - mm this is one of the thing that little disappoint me... MMOOORE LIGHT needed definitely... and a better texture
3) Galaxy measure... I wonder if the scale of the galaxy is correct, when you zoom out with the camera, seems that the whole galaxy figure appears too early and looks little small
4) Oort Nebula - Solar system lies into this nebula, I would be great to show this huge nebula when one makes the zooooom out ;)
5) Various nebula missing - think how cool would be to show nebulas (not galaxyes) of our galaxy, the horse head for example...filled with a good texture and bright colors
6) stars - This is mostly a question rather than a tip, I wonder..when I do not show stars the picture of a planet looks more realistic, it could be great to add a feature that add or subtract stars bight interactively. example : if the camera show a planet the light reflected from the planet should compromise the stars light, on the orther side, whe camera moves away from a brigh objec, stars glow at thir best...

Anyway all this is IMHO, and I really appreciate the work wich I find AMAZING!!! and beautiful.
Keep up the good work and long life to Open Source :)
Thanks so much for celestia


Post #2by Guest » 02.09.2002, 16:52

I forgot this:
Galaxyes orbit and spin :)

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HEY some suggestions for future releases from a newbie

Post #3by Sum0 » 02.09.2002, 18:42

TK274 wrote:1) Star light (when approaching to a star ) IMHO need more bright effect, a very hig one lens flare maybe.. filled with an option for light masking for a peculiar star view

Hmm. We don't want it too bright, at the risk of blinding a large amount of the Celestia comunnity... :) Adding lens flare has been discussed, and it'll probably not appear anytime soon. It's felt that it'd just be a unrealistic gimmick.
2) Galaxy light - mm this is one of the thing that little disappoint me... MMOOORE LIGHT needed definitely... and a better texture
Galaxies are very dim... come on Chris, brighten them up! :) I also agree that they need a better look, so hopefully this miiight come in a upcoming version. Just a blueish colour would be better than what we've got now.
3) Galaxy measure... I wonder if the scale of the galaxy is correct, when you zoom out with the camera, seems that the whole galaxy figure appears too early and looks little small

I've no idea about this, but it seems right to me...
4) Oort Nebula - Solar system lies into this nebula, I would be great to show this huge nebula when one makes the zooooom out ;)
You mean the Oort Cloud - a huge group of millions of comets. This wouldn't be bright enough to see and besides, since we know next to nothing about it (we don't really know if it even exists!) it'd be hard to get real info for it.

5) Various nebula missing - think how cool would be to show nebulas (not galaxyes) of our galaxy, the horse head for example...filled with a good texture and bright colors
Again, this has been discussed, and it's hard to render nebulas. We know what nebulas look like from Earth, but we don't know what they look like from the "sides" or the "back". So, we could either have 2D nebulas, which would look correct from Earth but couldn't be seen from anywhere else, or we could fake some info and make a 3D nebula, which would look good from all sides but wouldn't be very realistic.
6) stars - This is mostly a question rather than a tip, I wonder..when I do not show stars the picture of a planet looks more realistic, it could be great to add a feature that add or subtract stars bight interactively. example : if the camera show a planet the light reflected from the planet should compromise the stars light, on the orther side, whe camera moves away from a brigh objec, stars glow at thir best...

This would be a very cool feature... Currently Celestia does the reverse - stars in the background close to the sun are brighter rather than dimmer or invisible. Also stars are visible in the daytime from Earth. Having this feature would make Celestia even more realistic. Of course, you'd have to be able to t?rn it off as well.
"I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

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Post #4by TK274 » 03.09.2002, 10:09

back again with my stupid questions.....

Hear my idea:
Why not implement some camera addons like; focal and zoom (simulating lenses)
and add image controls like: brightness, contrast, hue, saturation....
This way celestia is not only a scientific marvel, but also some kinda of art maker :)
Think how could be great to make huge sunsets on saturn orbit, with the photographic zoom the planet beside the object youre viewing will get bigger and bigger so one can manke unnatural but yet artistic pictures (and that's just adding some camera controls)

Ah this thing is more important:
I've seen the screen resolutions for the video capture... sorry but the 720 is wrong, to fit television standards should be 720*576

Ah, why do not add a Widescreen video capture (take as reference resolution used by DV camera)

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Post #5by Sum0 » 03.09.2002, 12:35

There's already a zoom function. Just use < and >.
"I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

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Post #6by TK274 » 04.09.2002, 11:27

Oh thanks, I just so stupid sometimes...

hem, so we have a black hole now, I saw it's cyg x-1 (parthner of 61Cyg A) why not implement a black holes data fle? I think there are a lot discovered recently..or not?
Also, I wonder, do every extra solar planet we descovered, is a gas giant? no moon like at all?

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Post #7by selden » 04.09.2002, 17:14


Extrasolar planets are detected by variations in the spectral lines of the stars they orbit around. The light waves are doppler shifted (i.e. the spectal lines change their wavelengths) rythmically as the stars are pulled back and forth by their accompanying planets.

That's why the planets that have been detected are giants. They have masses which are significant fractions of the masses of the stars that they're orbiting. Otherwise the stars wouldn't move very much. Moons are just too tiny to have an effect that can be detected. So far.

I hope this clarifies things a little.

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Post #8by TK274 » 04.09.2002, 17:44

Off course!
thanks very much...

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Post #9by Sum0 » 05.09.2002, 16:08

We've detected some Earth-size (even moon sized) planets around pulsars. One pulsar has several Earth-size planets.
"I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

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HEY some suggestions for future releases from a newbie

Post #10by billybob884 » 06.09.2002, 19:56

TK274 wrote:1) Star light (when approaching to a star ) IMHO need more bright effect, a very hig one lens flare maybe.. filled with an option for light masking for a peculiar star view

Like this?

Mike M. :mrgreen:
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Post #11by Redfish » 07.09.2002, 09:58

This post kinda annoys me.

Someone who comes here without even looking for any topic that could possibly be about his suggestions.
All your suggestions have already been explained in earlier topics. And then there is a topic about new features. At least you could have put your suggestions in this topic instead of making your own.

Furthermore: Sum0 has already explained why your suggestions are not available at the moment.

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Post #12by billybob884 » 07.09.2002, 23:56

Redfish wrote:This post kinda annoys me.

Someone who comes here without even looking for any topic that could possibly be about his suggestions.
All your suggestions have already been explained in earlier topics. And then there is a topic about new features. At least you could have put your suggestions in this topic instead of making your own.

Furthermore: Sum0 has already explained why your suggestions are not available at the moment.

well, if you are "annoyed" by this, then dont come here

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Post #13by D.Edwards » 08.09.2002, 00:30

Hey Redfish has every right to complain about this. Time and time again we have stated that before you post about something to PLEASE DO A SEARCH about the topic first to make sure your not rehashing old news or questions.
I made this mistake in the past and found it better to just do a search on a topic before starting a new string.
Besides Redfish's membership is 3 1/2 months your senior so consider that before telling him to take a hike out of the area. You should check to see if the person you are responding to has a more rounded knoledge base about the site before you jumping on his case. You don't want to go stepping on everyones toes now do you!
Just a thought for you to consider billybob884.

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Post #14by billybob884 » 08.09.2002, 03:16

so just because he's been here longer, he's better than everyone else that sings up after him? He said he didnt like it, and well, I think it is somewhat rude when no one is making him stay here.

ah who cares who posteed this?
Mike M.


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Post #15by billybob884 » 08.09.2002, 03:21

and by the way, i am fully supporting the addition of a glare effect.

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Post #16by abiogenesis » 08.09.2002, 03:48

Seriously, though, Mr. 884. There are very simple and courteous things you can do to be a productive member of any message board. Avoiding the creation of redundant threads is just one of them.

In general, it is advisable to maintain a high information/real-estate ratio. By this, I mean that wasted space is bad. Unfortunately, many posters (not just you) don't pay attention to these sorts of issues and the result is very juvenile boards filled with "me too" or "I don't know, either" posts.

You notice, when you log in to the forum, that any new posts/threads are highlited, yes? So do I. It is quite frustrating to see a new post and expect perhaps a solution to a problem, or an interesting contribution to a discussion and then to find, instead, a post to the effect of "I don't know either. You should ask Chris".

The idea behind the message board is that you can post a question and, hopefully, receive constructive input from any of the board users, including Chris (Apparently he reads the boards, too :wink: ). These other space-wasting posts really serve no purpose.

Hopefully, you will not take this the wrong way. It is definitely not my intention to offend. I'm trying to offer a little advice for anyone who would like to maintain and contribute to the quality of the Celestia boards. I do not want to start a flame war. A more pointless waste of a web forum you will never find.

- a b i o g e n e s i s -

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Post #17by D.Edwards » 08.09.2002, 05:21

I am simply stating the fact that the topic you brought up has be discused earlier and if you would have simply taken the time to check for it you would have found the previous posts and you could have posted in the corect string. Just because the string is old doesn't mean you needn't post in it. Any post will update the string and bring it foward so everyone can read along with you and make comments in the right section. I am sure you can see the logic of posting in the proper catagories. It keeps the site cleaner and make it easier for someone else to find the topic you are comenting on without having to search through a bunch of loose conected strings.
As far as Redish being better than you that is not the issue here. Everyone at this site has his or her talent for Celestia and this about an exchange of resoures and information.
He has been posting to the forum longer than you and was simply trying I believe to put accross the same message I was. That is the topic is in another area and belongs there.
As for the lense flare I think it willl be a nice addition as long as it can be disabled if the user wishes.
Good luck with your work and enjoy!

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Post #18by TK274 » 08.09.2002, 13:20

All right, I did not mean to cause any problem here.
I can answer just in this way:
I apologize if my questions annoyed in some ways some of you.
Anyway I don't se any misuse of the forum, let me explain.
English is not my language and it takes a bit to understand everything (or the most )
Reading all the posts (i perfectly know that is netiquette) it would require a huge amount of time for me to translate everything. Not to mention that sometimes is a bit too hard to understand since people tends to write posts in a forum morelike speech language than written language, and this means more difficulties to me to understand.
It's easyer for me to post a direct question and hope in a clear answer.
next, i can say that I was looking for a way to say thanks for the marvellous celestia.

I've got the picture, don't worry
and again I apologize
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Post #19by Redfish » 08.09.2002, 19:40

My being a member for a longer time, doesn't have to do anything with it. It's just that when you participate in discussions, it's better to follow some basic rules.

Okay, my post wasn't intended to hurt anyone's feelings. Nor to make our newbie feel bad. I was just trying to make it clear to you that ALMOST everything you posted was obsolete.

Maybe there should be a topic about some general rules: Ppl should use the search first. Post topics in the right category. Use properly fitting titles, etc.

I hope we can leave it at that: no hard feelings, okay? :)

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Post #20by TK274 » 08.09.2002, 23:05

Okay :) understood

ah.. a little thing OT
just in te case you want to take a look :)
that's my hobby

I am a sound engineer in case someone needs info on audio :

501st Italica garrison : http://www.501italica.com


yes I know, we are totally mad :)

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