Invasion of The Angry Space Penguins From Titan!

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Invasion of The Angry Space Penguins From Titan!

Post #1by rthorvald » 09.07.2005, 14:13

... If our "angry space penguins from Titan" were to explore the Earth with
the same technology we have, this is all they would see:
... Thought-provoking, isn??t it? Think about it: how much there will be to
find, next time we go there...

I have explored this a little in Postcards from Titan; for those that might be
interested, here??s the release thread:
... And here??s the Postards AddOn website: ... anadu.html


Posts: 105
Joined: 03.07.2005
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Location: Eureka, California

Post #2by d.m.falk » 10.07.2005, 04:13

Reminds me of this......

There IS such a thing as a stupid question, but it's not the question first asked. It's the question repeated when the answer has already been given. -d.m.f.

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