Earth Central Repaired!! Retitled

General discussion about Celestia that doesn't fit into other forums.
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Don. Edwards
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Joined: 07.09.2002
Age: 59
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Location: Albany, Oregon

Earth Central Repaired!! Retitled

Post #1by Don. Edwards » 15.06.2005, 01:35

Hey Everyone,

The damaged files have been replaced and the site is running as it should be.
If by any strange chance anyone finds another problem let me know as soon as possible.
It does appear to an internet issue at my end after all. I have no problem with images and small zip files.

The hand off of the site is still in the air. I am working things through so we will have to wait and see. I am going to be making a few changes to the site, mainly the silver brushed background images are history. I have seen them on a few different monitors now and the color I feel shifts around to much. On my monitor it is dead-on silver but on my brothers monitor it has a green tint. I saw it on three other monitors today and was real surprised by the color differences. The main layout will remain the same but the site will get a slight re-skinning.
This should hold over till the Flash version of the site comes online, if it does in fact.

Here is a list the files that have been replaced.

Northern Autumn-Southern Spring_4KDDS.ZIP
New Northern Summer
Northern Winter-Southern
Northern Winter-Southern
Northern Winter-Southern
Northern Summer-Southern
The Day After

As always any questions or comments are welcome.

Don. Edwards
Owner, Manager of Earth Central and Celestia Hub sites.
I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

Posts: 61
Joined: 13.06.2005
With us: 19 years 8 months

Post #2by ar81 » 19.06.2005, 07:37

I still have a long queue to DL...
I might comment as I DL it. 8)

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